Math 125 - New Edition WebAssign Code

<p>We are down moving my son in this weekend and went to buy as many of his books as we could (some aren’t in yet). We went to the Off Campus Bookstore first and bought a used Math 125 book. They didn’t have any webassign codes but said they should be getting them. So we bought the book. Then we went to Supestore to see what we could buy there. Asked if they had the webassign codes and one guy said the Math 125 book was a new edition this fall so there wouldn’t be webassign codes sold for the old edition - they were only selling the new editions with the codes bundled. Another clerk said that you should be able to use the old book and buy as access code online.</p>

<p>Any students have experience with this in the past? We are leaving tomorrow but S can go over to the Off Campus Bookstore and return the used book next week if need be (only problem is that it is under my credit card - which he won’t have - wasn’t thinking).</p>

<p>Haven’t had to purchase any webcodes at Alabama – but my kids’ high school books frequently require webcodes. We’ve found that you can typically purchase webcodes through the publisher for less than the school bookstore price – which enables you to buy the textbook part of the bundle used. (This also works for workbooks.)</p>

<p>Be careful when purchasing different editions then required. My son had a class where he purchased the newer edition but the professor insisted on them using an older version which was extremely difficult to find. Go figure…would have thought that the newer one was better but the professor did not like it.</p>

<p>You can buy webassign codes online through the publisher, so no worries there. There does seem to be a different edition required for MATH 125, so the Off Campus Bookstore likely did not sell you the correct MATH 125 textbook. I don’t know the layout of that store or its policies, but they should be able to refund your money if they sold you the wrong book. If not, you could likely dispute the charge with your credit card company and get your money back that way.</p>

<p>FWIW, there is a new Federal law that requires colleges to sell the books unbundled and to provide the ISBNs. Unfortunately, there do not seem to be any penalties assessed for failing to comply with this law.</p>