Math 159 and and COM 114

hows math 159 in terms of difficulty.
and as far as fundamentals of speach communication goes, is it like a class where you are supposed to have oral communication and are grades on how clear u speak?</p>

<p>MA 159 is basically MA 153 and MA 154 combined. I had a couple friends who took it and the class is pretty fast paced according to them and meets more times a week than MA 153/MA 154 but if you’re good at math it shouldn’t be a problem. </p>

<p>COM 114 is just speech class. You give speeches and learn how to give more effective speeches and different types of speeches. As long as you show up to class and give all your speeches (you will have 4 speeches to present) and read the textbook, you’ll be fine. You’re not really graded that hard on how clearly you speak, but it does play a role in your overall grade for your speeches (people need to be able to understand you).</p>

<p>So you have to give speeches infront of the entire class, like 200 ppl?</p>

<p>btw its interesting what you said about math 159 - from what I heard ppl who dont do so well in the CRT take math 159…never knoew math 153 existed.</p>

<p>No, your COM 114 class will probably be 20-30 people. </p>

<p>Yeah there’s also MA 152, which is a really basic college algebra class. But MA 153 is usually taken by students who just need to fulfill one math requirement for their school, like liberal arts. Some take MA 154 after if they need to or switched majors and if they need to get up to a calculus math level in the future. But MA 159 is both combined basically and only taken if students need the class for their major’s plan of study, so you wouldn’t take MA 153 then 154 then 159, its either 159 or 153/154.
And I don’t think the CRT is a great measure of what math you should take. It just gives advisors a loose baseline of your math skills, but they may just place students in 159 because of their major’s plan of study requirements.</p>

<p>thanks alot smahanru.</p>

<p>im assuming ur a current purdue student. just wanna get ur opinion on something. would u consider rutgers a better option than purdue for an overall experience than purdue? how boring can purdue really get…</p>

<p>Yeah I’ll be a sophomore next year. But freshman year can be tough anywhere you go. Purdue can be very isolating, or atleast that’s how I felt last year with no car and no easy way to go home if I wanted to. But Purdue is also a Big Ten school, so sporting events are a lot of fun and there are always parties if that’s your thing. A lot of people join sororities/fraternities simply because it’s something to do. But if you’re not into that I suggest joining a lot of clubs to keep you sane. West Lafayette has almost nothing in it, which still surprises me to this day because I feel like there should be more things to attract students and convince them to go to Purdue. There is no where to go, the mall is terrible and no one goes to Chicago on a regular basis like everyone claims. I know A LOT of people who turned down Purdue simply because of where it is located. If location is important to you, you should really think hard about why you want to go to Purdue. </p>

<p>I also can’t tell you how your experience will be at Purdue. Everyone’s experience varies, some love Purdue but I know a lot of people who hated it and transferred. As for Rutgers, I know very little about it so that’s something you should look into.</p>

<p>wow sounds REALLY boring…im assuming alot of people would transfer out of purdue then after a year or so? but how would u describe a typical day at Purdue?</p>

<p>Another thing I never got was Purdue is in Indiana, so whats the closest CITY to Purdue? the city must be lively…</p>

<p>furthermore if purdue has a decent gym, swimming pool, cinema, then that should keep some ppl occupied as well and one might even get a job?</p>

<p>Closest city to Purdue is Indianapolis which also doesn’t really have anything to do. Basically, Indiana is crap, get out with your degree and fast. I saw the rec center and wasn’t impressed with it, it doesn’t have A/C in most parts of the building but they are having a huge renovation for it and the new one looks amazing (ready by 2012) so for now its not that good.</p>

<p>Indiana just has nothing going for it unfortunately. Just a lot of farms and boringness. And yeah, Indy is the closest city but it’s not that big and it’s like an hour away so not really worth it. Also, most people who go to Purdue are from Indiana, so they’re used to the boringness and lack of things to do; it’s just a shock to people who come from big cities and out-of-state. It’s all just very unfortunate; because I like Purdue, I just despise where it is.</p>

<p>I agree that some people do transfer out of Purdue, but honestly you’re always going to have people that don’t like the school at every university. Do a lot of people transfer out after their first year? Absolutely not, I know of very, very few people that did eventually transfer out and that was mainly due to family/economical reasons. I only know of one person that transferred because he absolutely hated the place.</p>

<p>Now it is true that West Lafayette can be a boring place, but it’s really what you make of it. There is a gym and I’m surprised kash wasn’t impress. It’s pretty big and I’ve worked out in the summer and the air conditioning seemed to work fine.</p>

<p>There are plenty of on and off campus jobs available.</p>

<p>To be fair, I do have a big bias for Purdue as I’ll be a senior now and I absolutely love the school.</p>

<p>I’m the same as EuroBoilerMaker, I absolutely love the school. When I transferred out due to finances, I was ALWAYS depressed and talked about Purdue to my roommate 24/7. I’m pretty sure my roommate got sick of me talking about Purdue so much. My contribution of posts related to Purdue on CC pretty much show that I want others to have a great experience like I did my freshmen year. </p>

<p>Another reason for people transferring out is bad grades. I know three people on my floor at McCutcheon that were forced to leave by their parents due to their bad grades. </p>

<p>To make the best of your experience at Purdue you should join clubs/organizations, Greek Life, intramural sports, and be social once you arrive at Purdue. If you are not interested in going Greek right now, you may change your mind. Prior to arriving at Purdue, I didn’t care very much about fraternities but two weeks later after a rush event I decided to pledge. Joining a fraternity was one of the BEST things I did in my life, no joke. The amount of stuff you do with the brothers, them being your “family” when your not at home, the motivation you get from them to study and do well while having fun, etc. There is a fraternity for everyone so just look around and rush. </p>

<p>Being a resident of NJ since birth, I know of Rutgers quite well… Not very fond of the school… Piscataway/East Brunswick is a different area compared to West Lafayette. Rutgers-NB is located in a “busier” area compared to WL. If I were in your shoes, attend the school where you feel more comfortable in. You will attend the university for at least four years unless you transfer so yeah. </p>

<p>On another note, I will give my opinion on MA159 and COM114. Personally, I thought MA159 was very hard because you go through the material fast and the TA usually is Chinese, Indian, or Korean. Even though I’m Asian myself, I have a HARD time understanding other people’s accents so yeah go figure. My TA had a hard time explaining how you get from one step to another because he knew the material very well himself. MA153 was a lot easier so I recommend taking that if you can’t handle MA159 during the first week. Remember you will have homework EVERY weekday for math. </p>

<p>COM114 can be a good or bad experience depending on your TA, imo. My TA was bad ass and your grade is based off your speech and in-class quiz(material in your text). Just show up to class during the days of your quiz and do well on your speech along with the outline.</p>

<p>Thanks alot everybody for their response :)</p>

<p>Jim, btw any specefic reason you chose Purdue and not Rutgers new brunswick? i dunno it just seems to me that Rutgers NB can provide many more opportunities. i read somewhere its 44th in the world, has a much better location and is an overall a good school in all areas - EVERYONE i know who has gone to purdue has gone for engineering and what surprises me is that their business school Krannert i believe is very highly ranked, is that correct?</p>

<p>i believe krannert is ranked just below the top 20 ? read it somewhere…</p>

<p>Well first of all I was rejected during my senior year in high school and as a transfer. Even if I was accepted, I probably would’ve not attended the university. </p>

<p>The location and student population isn’t something I’m very fond of. Since I always lived in Northern NJ, I wanted a change of scenery so Purdue made this possible. Most of the kids in my high school went to Rutgers as well so that was another reason. The school doesn’t even have my major, Hotel Management/Hospitality & Tourism Management. Actually, Purdue is ranked higher than Rutgers in most programs and overall. The world ranking for Purdue was higher than Rutgers as well. </p>

<p>Krannert is actually ranked quite high nationally. </p>

<p>Engineering isn’t the only best program offered at Purdue. Other programs such as CS, HTM, Professional Flight, Business, Pharmacy, etc are highly ranked as well. Any major offered in the College of Science is great too.</p>

<p>“Personally, I thought MA159 was very hard because you go through the material fast and the TA usually is Chinese, Indian, or Korean. Even though I’m Asian myself, I have a HARD time understanding other people’s accents so yeah go figure. My TA had a hard time explaining how you get from one step to another because he knew the material very well himself. MA153 was a lot easier so I recommend taking that if you can’t handle MA159 during the first week. Remember you will have homework EVERY weekday for math.” </p>

<p>You just scared me. I’m taking MA159 this fall semester and after reading “I thought MA159 was very hard…” i’m kinda worried now. I took pre-calc my junior year and got B first semester and A- the second semester. Wouldn’t it be the same work as HS? The reason I didn’t sign up for MA153 was because if you didn’t get an A first semester you’d have to take MA154, if you did you got to go to Calc. I didn’t wanna take the risk and waste a whole year on remedial math.</p>

<p>As long as you remember your stuff and do your homework then you are fine. The material can get tough so spend your tuition money correctly by taking advantage of the Math Help Room. The work is kind of different from stuff you do in high school. I took Algebra, Algebra II, Honors Geometry, Pre-Calc, Trigonometry, and Statistics and high school so yeah… </p>

<p>Understandable with the whole 153/154 thing and not wasting a year on math… </p>

<p>Enjoy the 8 multiple choice problem instead of the typical 4 you see lol</p>

<p>8 multiple choice questions?? oh god. thats gonna mess with my brain so much. you think ill be alright if i took alg 1, 2, geometry, precalc/trig, finite in highschool? I mean im pretty good at math if i put my head to it.</p>

<p>so nervous for this fall :/</p>

<p>As long as you do your homework, go to class, and study when you need to then you will be fine… Don’t sweat it, you haven’t even started yet.</p>

<p>i’m transfering to purdue this fall and i really want to know where can i buy/rent the used
textbooks because those in bookstores are too expensive.</p>

You rent the books and return them at the end of the semester.
Find the ISBN # using Purdue’s bookstore website, search your classes first then it will bring up the books you need, then plug the # into Chegg’s search bar. </p>

<p>Never buy from campus bookstores unless you have to (some classes have “custom” books). Using chegg, my total books will cost $165 for four books for the fall. I probably would have spent $250-$300 at a Purdue bookstore. Also, I suggest waiting until the first week of school; you may not need a book.</p>