<p>I recently came into dire need of money, and for some weird reason comegetused isnt working, so I'm trying to sell my textbooks for these classes here. I'm selling the Math 1A/1B textbook for 40 bucks, the Math 1A/1B solutions manual for 35 [ the same books are used for both classes] and the Chem 1A textbook for 40. All are priced between the cost of the used book at neds and the amount they'd buy back these books for. So it'd be a good exchange. Heck if you want it, I'd throw in the chem lab notebook and the lab manual for free if you buy the chem book, but the important pages in the lab manual are torn out. The chem lab notebook has more than enough pages to use, i just couldn't use them for organic chem. You'd be on your own to get OWL and the iClicker and a full Lab manual. So ya, pm me if you're interested, and we can meet the first week (like after the 22nd of august)</p>
<p>can i have both math books? thanks!</p>
<p>Don’t use the forums for buying/selling as it is limited. Use [url=<a href=“http://berkeley.uloop.com/main/]Uloop[/url”>Resource Hub for UC Berkeley Students | Uloop]Uloop[/url</a>] which is a Berkeley site
specific for buying/selling cheap texbooks. You will need a Berkeley email address
to sign up.</p>
<p>Thanks babydragon!</p>