<p>As iahve read a lot of threads, it looks like that what is there is barrons is not a must for the real test.. i mean to say that if i study the Baroons perfectly will i be able to answer all the questions in the real test or will i have to look into someother place too.... please help..</p>
<p>It’s more than enough. It really makes the actual test easier ._.
I just took some tests from Barron’s and sparknotes, but I only got a 780, though I omitted 9, meaning I probably didn’t miss any of the ones I answered :].</p>
<p>i took math ii in october, and i didn’t study for it at all (despite having barron’s in my closet) and i still scored an 800. i don’t think you have to study much at all for it. heck, everyone has one. it’s like a cellphone. </p>
<p>but to answer your question, barron’s is definitely enough. what do you rate your math abilities as?</p>
<p>i have gone through barrons , like chpter by chapter…IN DEPTH. i aint bragging but i have always got an A in my school tests. but if u guys can help me by telling me which chapter appears in the real SAT that is not covered in the Baroons it would be of a great help…and in which books can i find these chapters…and please name these chapter…
<p>None, don’t even go through Barrons chapter by chapter. Just do practice tests for math 2. Personally, just do a simplified review with Princeton Review, then jump right into practice tests. You can also spend your time doing Barrons if you really want to.</p>
<p>i m done with barrons. so can i directly go and write the test??? does the barrons book miss any chapter?? should i look for PR too, though PR is not availble in the place i live in, i can hunt for it if it is very important. KAPLAN AND BARRONS is easily available where i live!!!</p>
<p>thanks shiomi and others for all the help</p>
<p>at the moment i only have barrons!!</p>
<p>I have made it a point to comment on every math2 test test prep book thread, so here i go:
okay i think u r worried about not seeing similar questions of the barrons in ur exam aite?
I suggest u get the Offical College board book for math subject test, and practice the 2 exams on it. Do the Ptests in Barron. Make sure u knw ur errors and how to avoid them.
Trust me, u’ll be overprepared.
As far as i knw…ppl dont prepare chapter-wise for SATs , u just review to refresh ur memory of the essentials (bare), and jump to Ptests…thats efficient.</p>
<p>Dont freak out about graphing calculators, getting additional books, uncovered chapters etc. That’s totally unnecessary. Right now, u are in a way better situation than i was the night before the exam…when barrons sat in a corner of my desk waiting to be picked up. So, just brace urself…go do the ptests. U’ll do fantastic.</p>
<p>thanks a lot R-DNA. this is my first time ever to write the SAT. so m reli FREAKED. where in uae are u from???</p>
<p>Barron’s is way harder than the real test, if you can get a 700ish on Barron’s, you are set for 800 or something near that.</p>
<p>I skimmed Barrons and read PR in depth and got a 780. Barrons has a lot of stuff you don’t need to know at all.</p>
<p>If you’ve gone through Barron’s that thoroughly… you just have to relax. Take some practice tests to get your timing down. You really should be fine. the Math IIc is probably the easiest of the subject tests.</p>
<p>I used the Kaplan book and got a 800, but I’m not sure if it was because of the book or not. But from what I know of Barrons (I used it for Bio), and from what others told me, the Barrons book is ridiculously harder than the real Math2 Test. Meaning if you can do well on the practice tests, you’re likely to do very well on the real SAT. Seems like way too much effort and overpreparation to me, but if it suits you and you have the time, then Barrons is a good choice.</p>
<p>guys can u give sum tips on cutting down my time? i usually dont finish the tests on time so pelase helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp</p>
<p>dude man you need to take a HUGE chill pill. the sat 2 generally isn’t designed to be finished on time, that’s why the curve is so insssssssssane. IE: you can miss 4? 5? and still get an 800 or leave like 7 or 8 blank and get an 800. </p>
<p>also I heard barrons is ridiculously harder than the real test so there’s even less of a probability you’ll finish on time.</p>
<p>relaxx man you’re gonna have a heart attack before you’re 30 and then where will that ivy league diploma get you?</p>
<p>I personally find Kaplan’s tests to the be most accurate. Also the Official SAT Subject test book is helpful…</p>