<p>For math 2, I have not finished pre - calculus,in fact my pre - calculus class is up descartes law and the remainder theorm of zero. But I am taking math 2 because I am pretty good at math and I am aiming for 700+. I have the PR book. I went through the whole book during the summer and got a 610 on sparknotes practice test. I am reviewing the whole book again. Do I have a chance at 700. The curve is leniently right?</p>
<p>I doubt you’ll be able to get a 700 at this point.</p>
<p>Take math 1 now and wait 'till you’ve finished pre-calc to do math 2, kid.</p>
<p>i never took pre-calc but took trig (but since some ppl say pre-calc is the same as trig…IDK) i just did barron’s for about 3-4 weeks before the test. read it twice and got a 770 on the Math2. meh…good enough for me.</p>
<p>Trig is precalc. At least mine was.</p>
<p>i had trig also</p>
<p>i finished precalc but didnt realize math 2 mainly tested precalc and missed my chance to take it… Now i forgot everything.</p>
<p>I got 800 and my precalc class only taught me basic trig - little else. I also took it at the end of my junior year, when I was taking Calculus online. It was 2 years since my last real math class.</p>
<p>If you’re good at math, not having precalc shouldn’t be an issue.</p>