Math 375? Classes on wish list keep closing?

<p>I'll be a freshman this fall. Can anyone tell me about Math 375? I've been invited to take it but I don't know much about it. </p>

<p>Also, I've been trying to create a class wish list like it says in the SOAR instructions but the classes keep closing after I choose them and I have to keep rebuilding my wish list every day. </p>

<p>Thanks for helping a newbie!</p>

<p>You must already have 2 semesters of calculus- this is the 3rd honors course of a 4 course sequence. Son, math major, took all 4 - they seemed to be good and more proof based than regular calc. It also gives you linear algebra so you don’t need an extra course in that, I believe. If you like math, go for it. </p>

<p>My understanding is that they reserve some course sections, there may be open sections when you go to SOAR that don’t show up now.</p>

<p>The good thing is you will be very familiar with choosing alternate classes/sections and restructuring your class schedule. My child was at SOAR yesterday, and one of his ‘open’ classes closed after he clicked the green ‘begin enrolling’ button, so he needed to pull out the paper copy of his wishlist and check the alternate section number he wrote down - he enrolled it that class (last spot!). </p>

<p>I’d say at SOAR that 150-200 kids are enrolling all at once on the second day at 1:10 p.m. so it is bound to happen, that a class shown as having available spots in the morning advising session (‘view enrollment packages’) becomes full.</p>

<p>Son also called one department when the entire 400 seat lecture section showed as full a few weeks ago (Psych 202). A very nice woman explained that this lecture is reserved for freshmen, and that it would open up right before SOAR.</p>

<p>I was surprised at how many parents/kids we talked to Sunday at the first day of his SOAR session who had no clue about how to check placement test scores online (if taken in Spring) and how to create a wishlist – actually no one we talked to was aware of these ways to plan in advance. (A big ‘thanks’ to College Confidential for clueing us in).</p>

<p>Good luck at SOAR!</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure my daughter took this class and the teacher was terrible. Check</p>

<p>definitely check out ratemyprofessor for whatever class you are looking at.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips! The instructor is listed as TBA, so that’s not much to go on. Maybe I’ll watch it for awhile and switch from 234 to 375 later if an instructor is assigned who doesn’t have bad reviews on You can change your schedule yourself after SOAR, right? I hope so.</p>

<p>I can’t believe some kids go into SOAR not knowing how to make a wish list. It tells you right on the SOAR website to get familiar with how to use it on “My UW” so you know what you’re doing at registration. There’s even demos here - [Index</a> of Academics Demonstrations](<a href=“]Index”></p>

<p>Thanks for helping me!</p>

<p>I hear the placement test scores are supposed to be on the Student Center but all that shows up in My Academics are the ACT scores. When I e-mailed SOAR they said they would be available at SOAR-how are you guys finding the placement scores? Registration is tomorrow and I’m wondering if they do not have son’s placement test scores -he of course did not call to double check as I suggested.</p>

<p>We did find them on My Academics, on the same ‘page’ but just above the ACT scores. Maybe he will be able to view them the first day of SOAR, and then that night, work on his wish list before the 2nd day when registration begins at 1:10 p.m, having time to check</p>

<p>He can still do the wish list for some courses. It would just be nice to know what language level course to be looking for ahead of time.</p>

<p>My daughter says the course will probably be taught by Profs Nazarov or Sean Paul (both bad) or maybe Gloria (good).</p>