math 54...rezhankalou or zworsky?

<p>yeah, not both have bad ratings, but zworsky seems a bit better.</p>


<p>Put it off til next semester lol.</p>

<p>I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Prof. Fraydoun Rezakhanlou is one of the best math profs here…I had him two years ago and his lectures were really clear. Midterms are a tad difficult, but that’s how classes are supposed to be. And his curve is generous.</p>

<p>I ran into him at the BART station a couple weeks ago and he still remembered me :)</p>

<p>lol, i’m just going by on what it says on ratemyprofessor. i have no idea whether he is good or bad, but i’ll take your word for it. </p>

<p>also, for ugba 196, is this only for juniors and seniors/ i would like to take this class too, but not sure if i can sign up for it.</p>

<p>I’m in UGBA 196 right now and it is a great class and it can wait until you are a junior or senior unless you have no other courses to fill up the minimum 12-13 units.</p>

<p>^^ which 196</p>

<p>it can wait, but i would like to learn more about finance, stocks, how to manage credit cards, etc. i feel that is an incredibly useful class.</p>

<p>^i’ll take that to mean the 196 class with Selinger.
yeah well we have a couple of sophomores in the class this semester and I have a friend who took it last semester as a freshman. there are no requirements to get into the class (except making sure that you are near the top of the waitlist of course)</p>

<p>Yes, I meant UGBA 196 by professor Selinger. I meant it is good if you take it late in your college year because unless unless you already have a job, filling out tax forms, and investing in stock/bond markets (things that you will certainly do after college, but how often while in college?), I fear that you might forget what you learned in class lol.</p>

<p>I perceive the class as a direct financial preparation for real life so I think I get the most benefit by taking the class right before real life happens.</p>

<p>you should invest asap to take advantage of ~the magic of compounding~
lmao. </p>

<p>but really, I think just keep the reader for when you need a refresher on basic things. It’s important build up good credit history as soon as you can start and know a lot about how the some things like some very basic investing strategies and negotiation advice. But all in all as a sophomore/junior you won’t be able to really apply a lot of the lessons learned until say your 1st year out of college (leasing a car, starting your roth, having the money to lock up in stocks and other investments etc). Still, it’s your call. The class itself is easy, interesting, and very applicable in the future, and Selinger is a great professor (at least by Haas student evaluation rankings he places 2nd only to Worthington [who is teaches the other 196 course on leadership])</p>

<p>well, i signed up for it. i can always remove it later, but just incase, since it fills up very fast. haha.</p>

<p>yeah, this class is useful. good points about waiting till junior or senior, but yeah, still signed up.</p>

<p>wait wow, apparently i have junior standing. how did i get that?</p>

<p>It’s only 60 units if I recall correctly. Not that hard if you’ve taken a few AP/IB/community college credits.</p>