math 55

<p>how difficult is this class? would it be necessary/recommended to have taken math 54 and 53 before taking this class?</p>

<p>It is completely unrelated from Math 53 and Math 54. I’m not finding it very difficult, but I’m a pretty logical-mathematical person, so don’t go entirely off of what I am saying.</p>

<p>not meaning to hijack this thread or anything, is math 53 and especially 54 hard?</p>

<p>54 is completely based off of matrices from what i hear…my friend got a D in 1a but is breezing through 54 rihgt now-theres no calc in it too</p>

<p>i would say for 53 you really only need 1a not even 1b for basic diff/integration techinique…theres no series or anything involved</p>

<p>and for 55 there r no prereqs besides 1a, so to the OP : im guessing no?</p>