Math AA prereq?

My son is in 9th grade and is picking his 10th grade classes. He intends to do the IB DP starting in 11th. He’s in Algebra 2 now. The pre-req listed for the new Math AA class in 11th is Algebra 2. Does that mean pre-calc topics are covered sufficiently? Should he not take pre-calc in 10th so as not to have repetition in 11th?

As far as I know, IB Math AA HL in my school is co-seated with AP Calculus BC (meaning both the AP kids and IB HL kids sit in the same class and take the AP exam in May), so the prerequisite is to take Precalculus in sophomore year. On the other hand, IB Math AA SL is the same thing (to an extent) as Precalculus Pre-AP so the prerequisite is to take Algebra 2 Pre-AP in sophomore year. The second year of IB Math AA SL is the same as AP Calc BC.

A kid in A2 in eighth grade should be aiming for HL unless there are extenuating circumstances.

This is a new class in our school starting in the fall of 2019. The catalog says there is one level of Math AA year 1 and at the end of the year 1, kids decide to do either HL or SL for year 2. I assume he’ll do HL.

Currently, the IB math is AP Calc AB and then IB Math HL. But the IB Math HL is going away. The flowcharts I’ve seen no longer have IB kids taking AP Calc at all.

Sounds like I need to talk to the school and figure this out. Thank you for the responses. suggests the following:

Old → New

Math SL → Math AA SL
Math HL → Math AA HL
Math Studies SL → Math AI SL


Thank you. I am more confused now since the high school catalog definitely lists it as one course each for AA and AI in 11th grade with both of those leading to either SL or HL in 12th.

Since you wrote that the first year of Math AA has a prerequisite of algebra 2, that suggests the following:

Math AA year 1 will cover precalculus, but with more work (IB courses tend to be more work)
Math AA SL year 2 will cover some calculus, but with more work
Math AA HL year 2 will cover more calculus than SL, but with more work

You may want to ask whether the courses will cover the AP calculus AB and BC material, if you have concern that he will attend a college that gives better placement for AP versus IB math scores.

If he wants to keep learning math without stalling or repeating material, and is in algebra 2 in 9th grade, then taking precalculus in 10th grade, calculus BC in 11th grade (or IB math AA year 1 and year 2 HL), and more advanced math at a local college in 12th grade would have him learn the most math. But that may not align with the IB diploma program if he wants to do that.


Thank you again.

Only Calculus AB is offered. The next class is IB Math HL, but of course that won’t be there when he gets there. “Local” colleges are the community college 30 minutes away, so I imagine scheduling could be difficult. But, we’ll talk about it of course.

I will ask what the course will cover for calculus. Good question.

He is on a typical math class for our district, so hopefully there is a plan for these kids to continue with good math through 12th grade.

We are meeting with the guidance counselor and IB coordinator tomorrow. Hopefully, this becomes clear.

I had the chance to speak with the IB Math teacher yesterday about these classes. She said kids doing both SL and HL for Math AA will be in class together and much of the learning will be at their own pace. So if he doesn’t need to review or learn the pre-calc material, he can spend the minimum time on it and move on to whatever comes next. Sounds like a difficult class to teach if kids are doing different things.

I didn’t anticipate talking with her, so did not ask more specific questions about what calculus is covered, but I will follow up for that. He did sign up for pre-calc in 10th grade. I think I’m glad he’s not in the first year of the new IB Math :slight_smile:

Here’s st i said before:

if its an advice… you shud b fine… my school, and i think IB math HL too… is designed to keep in mind of having no calc backgr.

taking ti certainly helps u keep upto speed… but ull be just fine without… as most of my classmates were.

So bottom line… no need, but obv. better if done.