Math after Calc AB...

<p>I'm a junior this year taking AP Calc AB....I have two options for math next year, I could take BC Calc or AP Stats...both APs. Which would be better with this schedule?
(I have already taken AP World History 10th grade and am taking AP US History, AP English Lang. and Calc AB this year)</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP English Lit
AP German
AP Government and Politics
AP Economics
AP Math....which one?</p>

<p>Do you have an intended major in mind? If it is engineering, you would probably be better served with Calc BC.</p>

<p>I haven't heard such great things about AP Stat. I think you would need to repeat stats in college anyway.</p>

<p>A lot of people double up, as in they take both BC Calc and Stats at the same time because BC is quite easy once you've taken AB. I think BC only might be good for you too because the rest of your course load is so intense.</p>

<p>Often a lot of Calc BC covers the same material as AB, at least in the first part of the year. You may want to take at look at the textbook for Calc BC and see if you already know a lot of the material.
AP Stats is considered by many colleges to be a "lightweight" AP, compared to Calc BC. So your decision should be based on how hard you want to work Senior year vrs trying to "impress" colleges. Another thing to remember about the first semester of your Senior year- you will also have the additional responsibility of filling out college applications [ which can be very time consuming and tedious], writing application essays, contacting teachers to ask for letters of recommendations, following up to make sure those letters are sent on time, etc. etc..The college application process can be a part time job by itself.</p>

<p>thanks for the advice....i really appreciate it! i like calculus, i have a 91 average so far for semester 1. also, i intend to be a history/econometrics major in college...does that have any bearing on it?</p>

<p>As an economics major, you will need a very good foundation in both calculus and statistics. However, most econ departments would probably prefer that you take the statistics course in college. </p>

<p>Many may require that you retake calc, also, unless you have a strong AP exam record. That will depend on the school.</p>

<p>AP Stat is nothing like college statistic courses which are ectually useful. take BC, i'm taking it now and it isnt hard at all...and i didnt take AB the year before.</p>

<p>Take BC, its more useful/</p>

<p>I'm taking stats and it doesn't seem really useful and it's boring. Calc BC is so much funner...</p>

<p>but at my school, if you take AB and then BC the B part doesn't count the second time around. if it's like that at your school, than maybe you should take stats, instead of repeating units.</p>

<p>Since you like Calc, if you HAVE to make a choice, then choose Calc BC. </p>

<p>AP Stat is completely different from regular math, so it's possible you won't like it but if you can get the chance, you should take it. It wasn't hard at my school but I've heard of it being impossibly difficult at other schools, so you shouldn't take just anyone's opinion as true. </p>

<p>If you're interested in any specific colleges, maybe you should look at their websites and see what kind of credit they give for AP Stat/AP Calc BC. Maybe they take one of those but not the other, you know?</p>

<p>okay, thanks! I'll try looking....I know a few colleges I like so far....Penn (CAS) - legacy, also Dartmouth, Bowdoin, Amherst...</p>

<p>Dartmouth says on their website that they prefer students have calc. BC is a no-brainer.</p>

<p>If you've already taken AB, I'd actually suggest taking both BC and stats, or just stats if anything at all. I had a really easy time in my stats class (though others did not), but I loved it - I really enjoyed having the newfound ability to actually ASSESS how bad error is in data - which is useful for any field, humanities included. I also took the AP calc BC exam after taking an AB class and got a 5 - I just self-studied the C material; honestly, I don't think it's worth being your only math class for another whole year, especially if you're majoring in history/econ major, where stats I would say could be REALLY really really really useful.</p>

<p>thanks for your input! yes, I do technically have the option to take BC and Stats but that would make 6 AP's and my school discourages this....our APs typically give an hour or more each class of homework on an average night, not including tests studying, essays, DBQs, etc</p>

<p>stat, BC is just repeated</p>

<p>Econometrics is very, very, very math intensive: Take BC.</p>

<p>I had the same decision and took AP stats. It is without question the worst class I have ever taken.</p>

<p>I don't think the OP meant to say econometrics. That is not usually offered as an undergraduate major, although it is generally available for undergraduate economics students to take as an elective.</p>

<p>some schools have a mathematical economic analysis major...although it is rare like midmo said</p>

<p>AP stats. BC is just mostly rehash.</p>