Math at GW?

How is the math department? Are the professors and courses any good? I know GW isn’t particularly known for math, but the department looks good online. I’d love to hear from some people who majored/minored in math or know those who did.

I’ve taken five courses (Calc I-III, Dif Eq, and Linear) and I say it’s hit-or-miss. I had one professor in particular that was not very effective at instruction (and unfortunately I had him for 2-of-5 classes), and two others that were “good enough,” maybe a 6/10 experience. I don’t know if my experience was indicative of the whole department or not (and 2 of 3 of those professors are still at GW) but that’s all the input I’ve got. I wouldn’t sway someone from trying the math program at GW, but I like to caution that my experience was average.

How should I prepare for the placement exam for math? Also, when is it best to take calc 1. I know college math is much more difficult than high school math. I am in calculus now and plan to take it again but am afraid i wont remember anything by second sem but also dont want to burn myself out

If you’re already taking Calc I don’t believe you have to take a placement exam. I’m not even sure who is required to take a placement exam for math, but I’d assume it’s only for those with lower-level math in high school.

As far as taking Calc I, if it’s required for your intended major, take it as soon as your schedule will allow just to get it out of the way. I took it first semester of freshman year and survived, and that was five years after I graduated high school.