<p>I'm undecided as to go Pre-med or go cog sci.
I know pre meds should take math 1a. My situation is that i've taken pre calculus and have gotten through it with no problems. Math usually comes pretty easy for me. Due to scheduleing conflicts, I couldn't take any ap calc courses.
Also. I skipped trigonometry.
Should i opt for 16a first, and then continue with the one series
or just strap on a pair and go for 1a.
Im already enrolled, miraculously, but i hear the class is heavy on trig. Should i just keep the class and maybe do a little trigonometry studying on my own? Math 16a is full... so i'd have to wait until next semester.</p>
<p>If you've really never had trig before, you might consider Math 32, if you are intent on taking Math 1A/1B.</p>
<p>I don't think you can take 16A/B then 1A/B, it's one or the other.</p>
<p>Umm you have been ********ted. Premeds should take 16A-B unless their major wants 1A-B and they don't have BC credit. Take 16A, med schools look at 16 an 1 equally. Do not fall into the 1A-B trap.</p>