<p>OK so here is the story.</p>
<p>I took the SATII math II in June and I left 6 blank. I was really focused on the other 44 questions and I am pretty sure I got the rest of them correct, but lets assume I missed one question that I answered. I would then have 7 points docked from me. and I am REALLY NERVOUS THAT IT WON'T BE A 800???
<p>I had a friend take the June one LAST YEAR and left like 11 blank. He still got an 800. none of my prep books says that is even possible. </p>
<p>Can u guys help explain this to me?!?!</p>
<p>43 is extremely typical. 44 would be considered a tough curve. Also, stop worrying. It doesn’t matter that much if you get a 790. Honest.</p>
<p>Your friend lied.</p>
<p>There, all your questions were already explained in rain’s post, don’t know why you nonsenically bumped again.</p>
<p>the curve changes or stays the same. if you got 43 then youre likely to get a 790 or 800 if it was a typical curve. since most of us havent taken the math II twice, we dont know how tough this month’s math 2 was compared to the previous ones, so we cant surely predict the curve. and just so you know, leaving 7 blank is better than getting 7 wrong, meaning if a 44 was the curve for 800 (with some wrong and some blank) you might still get 800 with 43.</p>
<p>this is how i see it, i may or may not be wrong, but that doesnt determine what score youre gonna get.</p>
<p>Stop being such a weenie.</p>
<p>lol. well EVERYONE gets 800 on math, but I was dumb and didn’t try to answer 6 of the questions. So if I get a 790 for example, it would look kinda bad…
but if you got a 800, colleges can’t tell if u missed 0 questions or maybe 5 questions. So that is why 790 would look gross</p>
<p>Wow, I hope you’re joking. Who the frig complains about a 790 on anything?</p>
If you want a 800 Maths II that much, try to study and practice more instead of being worried after taking the actual test.
43 or 44 is not the matter now, 'cause you cannot change it anymore. Be realistic! Just wait to the score and decide whether you should retake it (if it’s not a 800)!
Good luck!</p>
<p>I got a 800 anyways
SO I guess I only missed those I left blank ^_^</p>
<p>Thanks for the support … lol jeez</p>