Math II Subject Test, opinions?!

<p>Hey everyone, just wanted to say congratulations to everybody who tested last Saturday!
Hope you all did well! :)</p>

<p>Anyways quick question:
I'm planning on taking the Subject Tests in June. I kinda need some help on which ones to take though. Right now I'm know I'm gonna take U.S. History and Biology for sure. But idk about the third one...
Do colleges kind of expect you to take Math II? Would it look really bad on the college app if I don't? If so, I'm kind of screwed, cause me and math have never been friends. I got 530 on the SAT Reasoing test. I'm even worried about Math I! </p>

<p>What do you guys think? Should I take my chances? I REALLY need help deciding on this one.</p>


<p>Most colleges recommend it, but you just have to check with the schools you are currently interested in. If you are getting 530 on the reasoning maybe you shouldn’t take it, or if you think you are a pretty good math student, then just try to practice a lot of the next month with books.</p>

<p>Nah, the first time I took the SAT I got a 500. 2nd time it was 530.
I mean it wasn’t a huge difference. I’m aiming for Georgetown, and my expected major, IR/Pol. Sci, probably won’t call for Math right? I seriously have no idea…</p>