<p>How much do you guys use your TI-89 when doing Math II problems? Some books say you don't REALLY need it, but I find myself using it on way more than half of the problems. </p>
<p>Also, question: how do you evaluate a given X value of a function using a TI-89? Like F(18) where F(x) = x^7-14x^6+19x^2+100</p>
<p>My barrons book is unclear, it says to type the function into Y1 and then evaluate Y1(18) in the home screen (how do I evaluate it...). I've done the "table method" where I graph it and go to F5 table, and go to the X value I'm looking for (18) but I'd rather have a more efficient way.</p>
<p>The Barrons book isn’t meant for Ti-89, or at least I don’t think it is. In a TI-83 or 84, you would go to Vars > Y-Vars > Function > Y1 > (18) and it would give you the value for X. I’m really uncertain as to whether or not this would work on the TI-89, so you might have to refer to your manual.</p>
<p>and yeah you don’t REALLY need it for most problems, but solving it with a calculator (most of the time) can be MUCH faster.</p>
<p>I rarely used it, except for some dirty calculations like 7<em>9-8/(7+5)/1</em>57. Except those calculations I zoomed through it and found myself left with 40 minutes after answering all the questions. Not kidding.</p>
<p>Find FoG(root2) when f(x)=e^x and g(x)=sinx</p>
<p>for some reason, the answers are all in radians. is there anything in this question that tells me that I should be in radians and not degrees? or is it an error by barrons…</p>
<p>The limit() command can be found under F3 (Calc) >> 3: limit(</p>
<p>The arguments would go like limit(function, variable name, the number the variable is approaching). So, for the limit of x^2 as x approaches 10, you’d do limit(x^2, x, 10) on the Home screen, which would evaluate to 100.</p>
<p>A cube root can be done by evaluating x^(1/3), x being the number that you want to find the cube root of.</p>