<p>Well I'm using a TI 84 (contemplating on buying an 89 before saturday) at the moment and was wondering for those of you who took or are taking the exam, if imputing formulas in your calculator actually helps. </p>
<p>If it does can anyone recommend maybe a good program to download onto it or a good list of formulas that really may make a difference?</p>
<p>shoot I just realized I put this on the wrong board</p>
<p>I would not recommend getting a TI-89 for Saturday because it is only useful mainly for calculus which is not on the test except for limits. Also, it will be very tough to learn how to use it in two days now left. The programs will really not help you that much, I used a TI-83 plus without any programs and got a 800.</p>
<p>ok...2 days left...and i don't know how to use "any" graphing calculator...
(and i m terrible at functions !)
sounds like i m heading towards disaster...with just a scientifique calculator</p>
<p>yes, there were those couple of questions that looked like it wud be easier and more comfortable to solve using a graphing calculator…but i just left them.
I still can’t believe i freaked out the night before for no reason.
besides, the invigilator didnt allow us to use 2 calculators…he said use either one.</p>