Math Lab in Tutwiler?

<p>This may be a dumb question, but I am taking a pre-calculus class in Lloyd hall, but at registration it made me sign up for a 0 hour pre-cal lab located in tutwiler. The professor says TBA for the lab. Is this just a place to take the tests? Will I have to show up the first day?</p>

<p>The MTLC (Math Technology Learning Center) is where you will do your myMathLab work, takes quizzes and tests. You will do most of your work in the class at the math lab. Your instructor will explain how it works in more detail on your first day of lecture. You do not have to go to lab until you’ve had your first lecture. </p>

<p>You can also brush up on how to Math Lab works at the MTLC website:</p>

<p>[Mathematics</a> Technology Learning Center](<a href=“]Mathematics”></p>