MATH LEVEL 2 JUne together we

<p>i have a question
do any of these appear on da test
da moivres
directrix, foci hyperbolas/parabolas,
synthetic division of polynomials
cis type stuff
any other pre calc stuff that may not be on da test let me know plz</p>

<p>thanks guys</p>

<p>we will do well ...hopefully</p>

<p>Imaginary numbers do not appear (so no De Moivre's, CIS notation, etc.) Can't remember any synthetic division either.</p>

<p>imaginarys appear 1-3 times per test in PR
just not de moivres stuff
so no de moivres and
no imaginarys at all....</p>

<p>RUSH's 15 Math 2 Practice Tests for the win. Just take as many of those tests (going over answers along the way) as you have time for, and learn everything you can. If you get through all the tests and thoroughly went over all the answers, you should be good.</p>

<p>I don't think there's really any way to know exactly what'll appear on there, but RUSH will prepare you for the worst Collegeboard can throw at you, so you can't go wrong with it.</p>

<p>I have PR and I think it is fine
just wondering if i should be worrying bout this de moivres synthetic division etc</p>

<p>also is PR good/realistic helps people get good scores
i got amsco for ush it has helped me a lot but i need practice tests 4 ush would u reccomend the PR boo r something else.</p>

<p>If you have AMSCO, you shouldn't need practice tests. I haven't used or seen the book, but most people can get good scores on the test just by reading it. Just go through it as thoroughly as possible. If you have time, re-read it. It'll get you a good score.</p>

<p>but if i am a practice test whore would PR b good?</p>

<p>I heard sparknotes is good for U.S. History tests. Most of their tests are too easy, but the U.S. History one is supposed to be really challenging (one kid I know got a 620 on the sparknotes test and 730 on the real thing, and that seems to be pretty common). It also gives score reports and tells what eras or topics you might be weak on.</p>

<p>do u have to pay for these or r they free...</p>

<p>But still, your time would honestly be better just going over AMSCO as thoroughly as you can. Practice tests are more useful for Physics/Math type tests, because you need to practice applying the concepts. With AMSCO, you have all you need to get the 800 sitting in front of you.</p>

<p>Yea, you have to pay for those.</p>

<p>Conic sections do appear. As for the foci/directrix stuff, I don't think so.</p>

<p>Remember that you'll have a graphing calculator (or should) for this, so don't bother learning anything that can be done on your calculator just for the sake of the test.</p>