Math major related questions

I also applied to college planning to study chemistry, but took a gap year before I started and found I missed math hugely. I also discovered that math was a lot less work, because it had no labs, so I switched to math. Did a math degree and stayed for a PhD. Never wanted to be an academic, the PhD was just for fun and because I wanted to row crew and enjoy college a bit longer.

Career wise I ended up in tech consulting, which combines analysis (albeit mainly Excel) with writing and presenting, and is very enjoyable. A math degree doesn’t impact that directly but it does a lot to persuade clients that you might be smart enough to be able to help them. The PhD was what taught me to write and present.

Pros and cons are the same: if you can do math it’s easy. If you can’t it’s awful, especially as the long tail of ability is more obvious than in almost any other subject. So in thinking about pursuing this as a path, you need to both love math (for example, I still find it fun to look at Putnam problem sets when I have a long flight) and be good at it.

PS Read the “math head” thread!