Math minor is favorable? or wasted effort and class or club

<p>Currently: 2nd year undergrad at a pretty reputable under biz school.
majoring in finance & accounting w/ a minor in math (liberal arts minor)</p>

<p>in order to do this, i’ll have to overload for the rest of my semesters and I’m not even sure if this math minor is worth it. problem is, i’m stuck deciding what I want to pursue but here are my two choices:</p>

<li><p>get into a big 4 accounting, work 3-5 years and try to get into one of the top 5 mba programs for corporate finance… maybe use pursue a cfo position at a company or a managing director at a ib firm?</p></li>
<li><p>try to get into sales and trading… hoping to become a prop trader or head of a desk further along the line. in order to do this, i know engineering/cs majors are better but at this point, it’s too late to switch. basically my whole freshman year was a waste then so i’d just switch my majors to finance/MIS and math minor. is this enough quant to land me a s&t and whats the probability that people succeed/fail at s&t? chances people become prop traders and if not, what do washed out traders do? (other than teaching)</p></li>

<p>unless you're goinbg to stick to accounting services/auditing, the more math, the better.</p>

<p>MBA schools like to see students with strong mathematical/quantative analysis skills. Help you out on GMAT too.</p>

<p>Math will be benefical for modeling, etc. Im personally doing econ or finance and a minor in math. I'm doing this beause there is a mathematical finance class at my school that requires a technical Calc I, II, and III, and also a upper level stat. So i might as well take the electives becasuse i know this is a valuable course.</p>