<p>I think a thread like this has been posted before, but I might as well as start a new one.</p>
<p>I just finished my first year in college, and I decided I want to study mathematics. But I think it would be interesting to either double major in something else that is somewhat math related, such as physics, CS, or economics so that I get to learn some applications of math (BTW, I still haven’t figured out if I want to study pure- or applied-math, but I certainly want to mix some pure math courses in my curriculum). Right now, I’m considering of going to grad school after graduation (to study something–I don’t know if that will be math yet). So here are my thoughts on those majors.</p>
<li><p>Math + Physics
I really enjoyed science back in high school, and I especially enjoyed physics, so I’ll be taking the first-year physics course next year. The requirement of this major is relatively challenging, but still realistic to finish in three years since I’ve already taken multivariable calculus, diff eq, and linear algebra. The only scary part, though, is that I’m not very good with my hands, and I’m scared of screwing up some important labs :(</p></li>
<li><p>Math + Computer Science
Currently I have no experience on CS, but I’ve always wanted to learn something about it, so I’ll be taking a course in next fall. If I happened to have liked it, this one would be pretty tough to finish in 3 years because it has a pretty dense requirement, and I haven’t taken discrete math yet. The math behind this field seems somewhat interesting (logics, probability, combinatorics, number theory, etc).</p></li>
<li><p>Math + Economics
I don’t know much about this subject yet, but it certainly sounds interesting to learn. The requirement of this is relatively easy as well. I still don’t know what type of math this major uses except that I know a lot of statistics is involved.</p></li>
<p>So as you can tell, I still don’t know much about any of those majors above, and I’m certainly not trying to pick one of them right now. But if any of you are involved in any of that major (you don’t have to be majoring in math), please let me know what it’s like, what kind of math is involved, and how well you recommend that major to me. I’d also like to know what kind of careers I can get in, since my thought about grad school might change by the time I graduate.</p>
<p>Also, if you can recommend me any other majors besides those three, let me know and why you are recommending that major.</p>