Math placement exam before NSC for engineering

<p>So I’m still “rusty”. I struggled with several trig questions, but if I review it, I will have it down (it’s been awhile since I’ve covered trig). Does that mean I should settle with the lower Math Class, or aim for Math 151?</p>

<p>I would proceed with great caution in signing up for Math 151 if you don’t pass the placement exam…As a freshman, I quickly realized that the algebra knowledge required in college level calculus is far more extensive than what I was taught in high school calculus. I passed the placement exam, but still found that my algebra skills were not quite where they needed to be. I wasn’t overwhelmed, but I definitely had to work at it. Let’s just say that I know SO MUCH MORE now than I did this time last year in terms of manipulating equations and dealing with variables. </p>

<p>Definitely review your trig, regardless…the lower math class (I think it’s 150) isn’t a cake walk, either, from what I’ve heard. </p>

<p>Overall, don’t worry about it. I remember freaking out about taking this. Review and do your best. Believe me when I say that you don’t want to get in over your head your freshman year. If you pass, good. You’re probably ready. If you don’t, you might still be okay, but I’d really put in extra practice before 151…If I’ve learned anything so far here, it’s that college isn’t about competing with anyone else. It’s all about you living up to your abilities. There’s no shame in waiting until second semester to take 151.</p>

<p>^Very well said, and excellent advise! :)</p>

<p>so i took the test already,do i need to print out scores or doee the score get sent automatically to the university?</p>

<p>Don’t worry about that silly exam.</p>

<p>I took that thing once in about 20 minutes and didn’t do that great. I was borderline being advised for math 150 or math 151. You never have to use that dumb stuff on that test like moving around trig identities.</p>

<p>Take what you think you should take. I knew I could take 151 and didn’t need 150 and did that, despite my advisor being kind of weary due to my placement score. I’m now going into my 5th semester at A&M with a 4.0</p>

<p>We were in CS this past week talking to an advisor. She said that this year it DOES matter what you make on the test. It is not just a recommendation anymore.</p>

<p>^Interesting! So, wemel, does that mean that Math 251 is no longer an option for incoming freshman? You’ll follow the chart, period, and end up with either Math 150, 151, or 151 with Just In Time?? Or has Math 251 been added to the chart?</p>

<p>Now that I don’t know. When we talked to the advisor, we were looking at 151 and 171. That’s when she asked what she made on the placement exam. She said this was the first year that they are doing math placement based on the test. She is taking Calculus no matter what she makes on the AP exam. My S did the same even though he made a 5 on the AP.</p>