Math Placement Exam for Engineering - Take It Seriously

Is the MPE (at NSC) multiple choice? I have read a couple places that it is. However my son just took a practice test online and he said it wasn’t multiple choice. I think it woke him up a little about how he needed to refresh on some subjects.

@miaggie1 my daughter is an allied health major and her mpe was not multiple choice!

For students that have to take their MPE on day 2 of NSC, I would assume it’s multiple choice since the results need to be known that day in order to proceed with registration.

@Thelma2. Is there a difference between MPE1 and MPE2 (multiple choice)?

@miaggie1 The MPE is different for each major, from what I understand. My son also took it for fall 2016, so a long time ago and I don’t know if it has changed. I am sorry, I do not know the answer for that.

A little googling and I found this
MPE1 - Math Placement Exam for students in majors requiring calculus
MPE2 - Math Placement Exam for students in majors that do not require calculus
MPE3 - student is eligible to take either of the Math Placement Exams
MPE4 - student must take a proctored Math Placement Exam

Q: What is MPE1 and MPE2?
A: MPE1 is the math placement exam for students who need to take Math 151, Math 171, or Math 147. MPE2 is the math placement exam for students who need to take Math 140, 141, Math 131, Math 166, or Math 142.

On on the MPE info it states: “The Math Placement Exam is a 90 minute, multiple-choice examination used to assess a student’s math skills.”

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Can you help @miaggie1 out on this one with the practice tests vs the actual MPE test your son took last year.
The actual test was multiple choice when my son took it in July of 2016 for engineering and I don’t have and can’t find an answer for her.

How is the PPP course? My kid is at NSC now so she will soon be out of her misery but I think wants to do this whatever the outcome, is it good? Is there an upper score in the MPE that makes it redundant?

Does anyone know where the downloadable practice tests are? In addition to the one that is on the website? In other words, are there more practice tests floating around someplace beside the official one on the website:

As far as I can tell, TAMU offers only the one, downloadable, 40-question practice with solutions as well as the two practice tests that the students can take online (remember, at least 14 days apart). There is, of course, the personalized precalculus program if enough time before the NSC allows. After much searching, I never found additional sets from a source similar to the 40 question set.

To be clear, I think you are asking if there are more practice sets like the one 40-question set. If you did not know, there are two, timed practice tests available as well but those do not offer feedback other that overall and subsection scores. Let us know if you need help getting to those practice tests.

My son used the online sample test to help him see what areas needed additional practice. In his case, he focused on factoring and problems that utilized factoring. As a math teacher, I took the 40 problems on the practice set and created an additional 40 problems using similar (often a bit tougher) skills. This allowed for a few points of clarification but really it just helped him enter his MPE with confidence.

Any thoughts or experience with the PPP program? Is it a useful prep for Math 151, or is it more for MPE prep?

No personal experience, but from what I’ve read, it really depends on your student. If math is a strong subject, then I don’t think it’s necessary. They can use the practice tests and brush up on their own for the MPE. If they’ve already taken the MPE and did well, again, I don’t think it’s necessary.

If your student is borderline or barely passed the MPE, then I would enroll to prepare for Math 151.

Personalized Precalculus Program (PPP) link:

What happens if a student misses the MPE mark in NSC but hits it in the first week MPE test (engineering). Assume no PPP or PPP retake of MPW. Have I got it right in that they all have to resit the placement test in the first week anyway?

Hi, @Sybylla . It sounds like you’ve got it right. If the student didn’t hit the target during the NSC exam, they can take a proctored MPE during Howdy Week on August 20th or August 22nd if they want to enroll in MATH 151.
Registration information for the MPE retakes will be sent by email late July or early August.
More info can be found here:

So how likely is it that these students can re jig their schedules if they pass? It seems that the message to the students is that this is nigh on impossible? Thanks!

I think a lot of kids are able to do this. My son changed math classes during Howdy week. It took some effort but he managed.

I’ve been told they can open sections if necessary, and an advisor can always force them in, but I only have the experience of some friends to draw on. I can tell you that all of my student’s friends who retook and passed the MPE did get into MATH 151 - maybe not the perfect schedule, but they did get in!

@chercher my coming engr Sr has had no luck being forced into any class thus far, despite queries to do so to adviors and professors and I have heard that the only forces are for seniors/super seniors who need to get in in order to graduate that semester. I am sure some do. It has never worked for him.

@chercheu @thelma2 My son will be starting his third year in the fall and is a senior now by credit hours, and has been forced into sections several times already. I think it comes down to being a bit persistent, going to the “supervisor” advisor who can approve it himself, and having the permission of the teacher.