Math placement exam question

What is the purpose of taking the math placement exam when you have ap credit for calc bc? I would understand if it was verifying that you know that level of calculus but looking at the practice problems for the calc bound students, it appears to be testing pre-cal information. Not sure how that can place you in the proper level of calc.

You select weather or not you are put into Calc 1, 2 or 3 (depending on your AP Score) Test is basically to see if you need to have Pre Calculus (or MATH 150) added to your degree plan.

You would be surprised how many students struggle through that exam with credit for the follow on courses. Be sure to give enough time for a retake, just in case. It is timed, and technically no calculators(unless that has changed - IDK). We have seen first hand students with calculus credit NOT pass & be required to re-take pre-calculus much to their amazement. There is a wait time between re-takes, so plan accordingly. It does make sure that everyone isn’t in over their heads - math courses here give no mercy and assume a strong background in math concepts.

@AGmomx2 I can see how that could be true. I’m just surprised they don’t test the calc material. I’m guessing if you don’t do well on that test they will strongly advise you not to use your ap credits even if they have to let you if you choose.

@rosegeo, the MPE is also used to recommend whether engineering students should start out taking Physics or Chemistry. They recommend that those with lower MPE scores start out in Chemistry, and wait to take Physics once they have a stronger foundation in Calculus. Physics 218/208 are tough courses at A&M and students need to be well prepared going in. @AGmomx2 gives good advice – many students do not do as well as they think; therefore, be sure to allow time for a retake.

So I would suggest that anyone that hasn’t taken the MPE yet do the review exam prior to taking and actually spend some time on it. My son took the MPE last night and didn’t really spend any time reviewing the practice test. He knows better now. :-/ Needless to say he will be taking it again in a few weeks after some review…He is in Calculus BC now and doing well so I know he knows the material…probably a good reality check for entry into college.

I actually do not believe they will make you register for pre-calculus if you have credit. I had the same questions last year, as I was going to be coming in with Calculus 1-3 credit + Differential Equations. I never really learned pre-caluclus and took that class 3 times in high school before passing with a D. I took my calculus courses, and never received lower than a B. When I called, they told me they just need a score from the MPE, and if I had credit, regardless of my score, I would be able to register for whatever came next. I was also told that if I failed, it would put a hold on my account, but once I started registering at my NSC, they would remove it in person.

Not recommending for you to just not study and fail, but if anyone is really worried about it, or what their score means, don’t worry about it, because it won’t change what you can sign up for.

I got a 22 on the MPE, so I barely passed it.

MPE has changed this year so the scores you need for certain classes are different from those from the past. I jus contacted the math department and got the draft of the class advise Summary.

For MPE 2, if you get >18 for math 131, 142, you can take 131 or 143. If not you go to math 140
If you get >18 for math 141, 166, you can take 141 or 166. If you score lower you can take 167 if your major allows it. Otherwise 140.

Those entering engineering should follow the guidelines here: A score of 22 is required to register for Math 151 (Engineering Calc I).

Last year, a score of 26 was required to take physics 218 first semester. If one scored a 25 or below, they were recommended to take Chem 107/117 their first semester.
That was not written in stone, however, and one could over ride the recommened schedule and take physics 218 first semester. In the advising session, they had statistics on the grade people recieved in 218, based on their MPE score. I have the powerpoint from 2016 NSC that I cannot find online any longer. It is what you will be taken through as a group of about 100 engineering students. Try this link

For engineering students, go to the bottom of the Howdy page and there is a box that says Engineering. Click New Student Packet and there will be a link for your recommended fall schedule. (Page 23 of the powerpoint) Page 24 and 25 give the run down of grades based on MPE.