math placement exam

<p>So for transfer do we have to take them? even if we have taken calc 2? i wasn't really planning on taking any more other than a stats class needed for econ... but it says if you plan on taking math at UM you need to take it. </p>

<p>What is on it... as far as math goes, it's been a while since i have taken straight math and trig etc...</p>

<p>The math placement test just covers basic algebra and maybe trig. All it does it determine if you’re capable of attempting to take calc I, or if you need to take a remedial math course. There is absolutely no way to get out of taking it.</p>

<p>that sucks</p>

<p>thanks man</p>

<p>don’t worry about it though. you can take it with a friend and use a calculator if you want, although they say you shouldn’t.</p>

<p>haha… what, breaking rules??? I would never do that</p>

<p>lmao almost everyone i asked did</p>

<p>haha. yeah i was halfway thinking of waiting till thanksgiving break so i would be home with my brohan who are in geo and trig in hs just in case. haha</p>