Math Placement Test Results

<p>I took the math placement test about a week ago and my results never showed up after I completed the test and still are not available for me to see. When I click to see my results it says “–” instead of an answer. Does anyone know why I can’t see my results or what I can do to figure out what I got on the test?</p>

<p>I took it anyway even though I didn’t need to (transfer student here, taken up to Calc III). I found out if you go to your thing on degree works it will show at the top where you were placed for both math and foreign language. </p>

<p>Thanks, mattio! Do you know what the highest course you can be placed into by taking the math placement test is?</p>

<p>From what I remember, the material on the test covered basic things up to Calc I, with no calculus material on the test. Thus, I assume the highest course you can be placed into is MAT 121/125, which is where it placed me.</p>

<p>The highest math placement is MATH 125/121, which is Calculus I. This is why students who have taken calculus don’t have to take the math placement exam.</p>

<p>DegreeWorks is indicating MATH 121/125 for my son, an incoming engineer with two years of advanced calculus in high school (not AP). He was advised to repeat Calc 1 for engineering, but I think it makes more sense for him to take Math 145, the honors section of Calc 1. Not sure why that wasn’t suggested at all. And why would they even suggest Math 121 when it doesn’t meet the requirements for an engineering degree?</p>

<p>I believe DegreeWorks ignores Honors courses when it is suggesting courses. You just need to be aware of what courses have an Honors equivalent. We are keeping the Honors course from the Honors web site listing handy! Someone please correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>^^^Thanks! </p>

<p>Here’s a link to all the HC offerings for those for whom it’s relevant: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Still not sure why they’d suggest MATH 121 for an engineer, but it just goes to show you need to be very careful when making your course selections.</p>

And why would they even suggest Math 121 when it doesn’t meet the requirements for an engineering degree</p>



<p>DegreeWorks has some bugs. that is the math for B-school majors.</p>

<p>is there a link on DW where you can report bugs?</p>

<p>The math placement test doesn’t distinguish between different majors, honors program membership, or what courses one has already completed. MATH 121 and MATH 125 have similar prerequisites. Students who won’t need to take higher level math classes have the option of taking MATH 121, though most advisors will suggest they take MATH 125 to keep their options open.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t necessarily recommend someone repeat MATH 125 unless they didn’t do well in it the first time. </p>



<p>Will have to look for that.</p>



<p>Well, he didn’t take MATH 125, he took Advanced Calc 1 & 2 at a private high school where AP course aren’t offered (and few people take the AP exams). </p>

<p>When we met with representatives of the engineering school they told us that a lot of engineers repeat calculus to make sure they’re starting out on a firm foundation. But since he’s had it already it, seems like the honors sections would be more appropriate. And he didn’t take the math placement test (doesn’t need to since he’d had calculus already). I’m just surprised DegreeWorks would suggest 121 for someone admitted to COE. I understand DW isn’t taking into account a lot of detail, but that’s a pretty big mistake. </p>

But since he’s had it already it, seems like the honors sections would be more appropriate.

<p>Yes, an honors version would be better. I am not sure DW suggests honors version of dept classes. maybe because there are a smaller number of honors sections and sometimes kids have to take then non-honors because of space in schedule.</p>

<p>I would try to report that other DW math error.</p>

<p>Yes, I wasn’t expecting the honors versions to be recommended by DW (although that certainly would be nice!). I will try to report the other issue. Thanks.</p>

<p>I think DW is stating a “level” of math, not suggesting the course you should take, so I wouldn’t consider that a glitch. MATH 121 and 125 are at the same level (beginning calculus). Some majors need 125, others can get by with 121. DegreeWorks is a tool, not an advisor. </p>