Math placement test

<p>I just registered for Bama Bound and was reading about the math placement test which is news to me. Here are a few things it said…</p>

<p>The mathematics placement assessment is required for all freshmen and any students who must take a math course at UA who do not already have math transfer credit.</p>

<p>New Freshmen: Those required to take the Math Placement Assessment will do so during Orientation. The location of the assessment will be provided at check-in. In order to be exempt from the assessment, students must meet one of the following criteria;</p>

<p>You have math transfer credit that has already been approved</p>

<p>You scored a 29 or higher on the ACT math test OR a 640 or higher on the SAT math test AND you have successfully completed a high school calculus course (grade of C- or higher)</p>

<p>So I am a bit confused, I do have 31 composite ACT score and a 30 on the ACT math test, but I only took pre-calculus because calculus was not available to me my senior year. I did make an A in the class, but I would assume that does not count as a high school calculus course?
And so would I need to sign up for this separately from Bama Bound or is the placement test a part of bama bound?</p>

<p>The math and foreign language placement tests take place as a part of the Bama Bound orientation.</p>

<p>Since you did not complete a calculus course, you will have to take the math placement test.</p>

<p>Okay, so no need to sign up for it separately because it’s a part of bama bound? And is this a big deal or hard? Or something to really not worry about?
Thanks guys!</p>

<p>I am thinking that S may need some preparation as he is taking stats this year and not real math. After precal, I would think he would just want to take Calc 1. My d who took AP Cal placed into precal at Cornell, which was ok with her- I think she got like a 2 on the test. She only needed one semester of math and precal was fine. S will need Calc, and I’m sure he would prefer to take one semester of math only.</p>

<p>Bamagirl: my D was in the same boat as you. She had the test scores but never took calc (she took pre-calc in 11th & decided to take AP Stats in 12th.) During Bama Bound there is a time for testing; you don’t have to worry about scheduling it. D doesn’t love math but she does OK (she is a history major!) I know she had planned on doing some math review before Bama Bound but I’m not sure if she ever did. She did fine, took the one math class she needed in the Fall & has no plans on taking any more. </p>

<p>ldinct: D had planned on just doing an ACT or SAT short math review before Bama Bound. But I don’t think she did what with prom & graduation :slight_smile: I think there was some type of review on the math site that she did do. Ah just checked the site: [Math</a> Placement Assessment](<a href=“Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama”>Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama) If you scroll to the bottom there is a link to a practice assessment.</p>

<p>I think I’ll just do that practice test and hope for the best! I’m not concerned about having to take more than one semester of math, I like math (: Unless it interfered with other things, and with an engineering major I would definitely assume I need more than just one math… I think I’m going to go look into that now and see what’s required. Just hope I don’t get placed in pre-cal again… I honestly remember nothing from that class and I feel like I haven’t done any math in a very long time, so wouldn’t doubt it if I didn’t do so well.</p>

<p>Is the 640 or higher on SAT math just in the regular test, or is it a subject test? If it’s the regular test then I’m able to be exempt but I’m not sure what this does for me. Does it mean I can just select what class I’ll take without having to take the placement exam?</p>

<p>regular SAT math score.</p>

<p>Looking at the placement grid at: [Undergraduate</a> Math Courses](<a href=“Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama”>Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama) I’m guessing that you’ll at least qualify to go into Calculus I. Do you have AP credits?</p>

<p>Different majors have different math requirements. My D is a humanities focused person, so she only had to take one class and she’s done. If you’re a STEM major then of course it will be very different.</p>