<p>Not asking what's on it, becuase that would be cheating, but how HARD is it really? They say it has pre-calc, algebra 2 and geometry on it...so its an ACT basically?</p>
<p>i didn't take the ACT, but from what i remember, it was really easy...some very basic, fundamental properties that because you've worked with them for so long that it's strange to be tested on it (i.e. something like What is xy(x+y+z)?), and at the highest, i believe it involved just a tad more in terms of factoring, etc.</p>
<p>i'm pretty sure i got a 47 out of 50 (or something along those lines...either way, i missed about 3 problems).</p>
<p>Are the placement tests timed or not?</p>
<p>I know everything, I'm just incredibly slow. I finish just when time's up.</p>
<p>I heard you can take them online at your own time. Is this true?</p>
<p>I can only do Calculus now. =/ I can't remember stuff from the 8th grade. DX</p>
<p>yeah they are timed 60 minutes, you can take them online @ home..</p>
<p>did you use a calculator, because it says on one random page in small writing that you can't "use a computer (or calculator)"...however, it doesnt say that anywhere else</p>
<p>LINK: <a href="http://sait.usc.edu/usctesting%5B/url%5D">http://sait.usc.edu/usctesting</a>
Just if any of you were wondering...</p>
<p>I can't do math without my graphing calculator. >_<</p>
<p>hah...we're not even ALLOWED to use ANY form of calculators here in India...</p>
<p>Yeah, we can't use any on the tests sometimes. -_- It's so unfair.</p>
<p>^ get used to it. math at the university level almost never lets you use a calculator on tests and sometimes even homework it's frowned upon or just useless, unless that calculator is MATLAB :D </p>
<p>pure math for sure doesn't, but physics and your engineering classes are another story, as they'll often let you use some sort of calculator.</p>
<p>So they wont let you use a Graphic or scientific calculator..but they would atleast let you use a basic, four-function calculator right (atleast for stats courses, cuz you wouldnt really need for Calculus)?<br>
We cant even use that here.....</p>
<p>But I love my TI-83... DX</p>
<p>ti-84 silver ed ftw!</p>
so far, in my experience, not even that. then again, i haven't taken a stats class or any kind of "fluffy" math course yet...the one i will take is an EE version of stats, so it may be different.</p>
<p>I have the TI-83 Silver Edition Plus. xD But man, I didn't even think about this. Them not letting us use calculators in class I mean.</p>