Math placement, ugh

<p>S said he would be happy to take precal again as he isn’t a great math student, only got 660 on the math portion of SAT. So he takes the placement exam & places into 110 which means he has to take 100 in order to take 1 year of precal & then cal. OMG, he placed into algebra? I know he took AP stats this year instead of math, but really? He will be taking math almost every semester at this rate.</p>

<p>Any suggestions here? Can he take it again? He can’t take it at BB as he just took it. If he takes precal at a local college this summer he could go onto cal, right? I don’t want to put added stress on him, but he should be able to place out of algebra.</p>

<p>Has he already taken calculus in high school? If so, the 660 on the SAT and a C- or better in his high school class would grant him exemption from the placement test.</p>

<p>They do allow one reassessment on campus either at his BB session or before classes start. Here’s the phone number for the testing center. 205.348.6760</p>

<p>[Math</a> Assessment](<a href=“Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama”>Testing Services – University of Alabama Testing Services | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Does he need calculus for his major? Math 110 satisfies the requirements for lots of majors and the advisors actually try to talk the students who place higher into taking 110 if a higher level of math isn’t necessary for the student’s major.</p>

<p>He didn’t take calc in hs, took AP stats instead. Yes 110 would be fine for his major, but not for premed or biz school. I think he would like to keep his options open. If he decided he wanted premed or biz 110 would be totally useless as he then would have to do alg & precal to get into cal. Wish he knew if cal was absolutely necessary for either, it will be a gpa killer for sure. Everything I’ve read says it is “highly recommended”. </p>

<p>Too bad, I think he would like to take 110 and be done. </p>

<p>I think he will try and take it again and hopefully place into precal, that way if he didn’t want to take any math after that he wouldn’t have to. Math 100 doesn’t even fulfill core requirements, so its kind of a waste.</p>

<p>Not sure if he could take precal locally over the summer or if that isn’t a good idea. I wonder about intermediate algebra as well. Then he could go right into the full year of precal? Maybe he can find out at BB.</p>

<p>I thought 100 & precal were online, they seem to have times listed in the course guide?</p>

<p>Math 110 satisfies the requirements for lots of majors and the advisors actually try to talk the students who place higher into taking 110 if a higher level of math isn’t necessary for the student’s major.</p>

<p>That’s very interesting and helpful.</p>

<p>Good luck, idinct. As a math nincompoop, I’d say that 660 was nothing to sneeze at!!</p>

<p>My D is interested in the business school at Alabama, so we’ve looked into the math requirements. Here they are, straight from the current catalog:</p>

<p>Policy on Mathematics Courses</p>

<p>The analysis of many business problems calls for mathematical reasoning. Students should take the highest-level mathematics sequence for which they are eligible. The MATH 112 and MATH 121 sequence provides the minimum skills for pursuing an undergraduate business degree but is not a substitute for MATH 125. Any sequence that includes MATH 125 is preferable to the MATH 112 and MATH 121 sequence. Those students who are interested in graduate study or in working in technical positions should choose a course of study that would lead to at least partial completion of the standard calculus sequence, MATH 125, MATH 126, and MATH 227.</p>

<p>Below are specific rules that govern mathematics requirements for commerce and business administration students:</p>

<li>Once a student has earned credit for MATH 112 and/or MATH 121 (or 1. MATH 125), the student may not earn credit, including CLEP, for lower-numbered mathematics courses.</li>
<li>C&BA will not grant degree credit for any mathematics course numbered 2. lower than MATH 100 at The University of Alabama.</li>
<li>C&BA will not grant degree credit for any mathematics course offered for 3. transfer credit from a junior college which is titled—or has the substance of—“business mathematics” or “mathematics for finance.”</li>

<p>FWIW, my D (a rising HS senior) took precalc this past year and is taking Calc (the 125 equivalent) at our local CC this summer because she wants to take AP Stats next year. The CC has prerequisites for the various courses, as I would imagine your CC does as well. If your son meets the prerequisites for precalc at the CC, I would guess he’ll do just fine, and then can do calc at UA. Here’s the site I used to see how D’s course would transfer: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yeah Beth’s mom I read that. It says 125 is preferable, but math isn’t one of S’s many strengths, so we are kind of looking for the minimum necessary that keeps his options open. He could take all those courses, but he’s not going to get A’s.</p>

<p>I think he should take the placement exam again.</p>

<p>*So he takes the placement exam & places into 110 which means he has to take 100 in order to take 1 year of precal & then cal. *</p>

<p>??? Can someone explain this to me. If a student places into 110…then why does he have to take 100? </p>

<p>To avoid some of this…can he just take pre-cal at a CC this summer? How about online somewhere over the summer?</p>

<p>yeah i think maybe the math this summer option might be the way to go.</p>

<p>ldinct – I haven’t looked at Math 100, but if it works like Math 112 the students meet once a week in a lecture type class and then have to work homework and quizzes in the Math Technology Learning Center in Tutwiler. According to the syllabus for 112 the students are required to spend 3 hours per week in the math technology learning center if they don’t make at least a 75 on all homework and quizzes turned in the prior week. </p>

<p>You can find the syllabi for the various classes here: [url=&lt;a href=“]Syllabi[/url”&gt;]Syllabi[/url</a>]</p>

<p>110 isn’t a prereq for anything, it is a terminal 1 semester math class for soc. science/humanities majors that fulfills math core requirements. </p>

<p>In order to get into cal, he must take precal(2 semesters I think) and since he didn’t place into that- Math 100 at this point. </p>

<p>I think he needs to study and take the placement test again so he can place into precal. He didn’t even look at the sample test. I think he was afraid of scoring too high and placing directly into cal & he didn’t answer some questions- funny.</p>

<p>I guess he could take precal over the summer and then they wouldn’t look at the placement test? Oh well, I’m sure it will all work out. </p>

<p>I’m not even stressed about BB scheduling. He is only taking 4 classes, most of the profs aren’t listed, so I guess he will just avoid early am classes. He does agree Spanish 103 is the way to go so he isn’t going to take that placement at BB.</p>

<p>I think he was afraid of scoring too high and placing directly into cal & he didn’t answer some questions- funny.</p>

<p>Tell him not to worry about that…just because a student places “higher”…it doesn’t mean that they have to enroll that high. Same with foreign language classes…you can still sign up for a lower class.</p>

<p>My daughter found the sample test helpful and virtually identical to the actual test. Placing too high isn’t an issue. My daughter placed into Math 121/125 and we were concerned that she might have to register for calculus because she has had math through pre-cal in high school. The advisors were willing to let her sign up for anything she wanted from 110 up through 125. (She actually opted for 112 in an attempt to strike the right balance between keeping options open and not taking a math class that would possibly hurt her GPA).</p>

<p>They may actually let your son test again at Bama Bound – at my daughter’s session everyone had a math placement test room on their nametag even if they had already taken the test online at home or were exempt from the test due to calculus credit. I would definitely see whether he can test again at Bama Bound.</p>

<p>Hello, first post here. I am from the west suburbs of Chicago and i visited UA on Wednesday and fell in love with it. I am a rising senior and have a question about the maths i should take senior year. I plan for a major in business. I am enrolled for AP stats, AP psych, and AP macroeconomics. I took precalc this year and passed it with a solid A however I do not like the AP calc ab teacher so I choose to take stats next year. After reading some of these posts, it seems like I would be better off taking AP calc ab AND AP stats for UA business. Should I drop an AP psych to make room for calc? I wouldn’t mind it if it better prepared me for Bama.

<p>You can see on the UA AP list that taking AP Calc AB with the right score will count for math 125 which is definitely a core business course. Also Stats 260 has a math pre-req also. I’d send an email to admissions or work with your HS counselor since this a pretty big decision for you.</p>

<p>Hello, first post here. I am from the west suburbs of Chicago and i visited UA on Wednesday and fell in love with it.</p>

<p>First of all…Welcome!!! (and please post on the Roll Call thread about what state you’re from. :slight_smile: )
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>* I am a rising senior and have a question about the maths i should take senior year. I plan for a major in business. I am enrolled for AP stats, AP psych, and AP macroeconomics. I took precalc this year and passed it with a solid A however I do not like the AP calc ab teacher so I choose to take stats next year. After reading some of these posts, it seems like I would be better off taking AP calc ab AND AP stats for UA business. Should I drop an AP psych to make room for calc? I wouldn’t mind it if it better prepared me for Bama.*</p>

<p>If you think that you can pass AP Cal with this teacher, I would take that class. Do you dislike this teacher’s personality…or is he/she a poor AP Cal teacher? </p>

<p>What other AP classes have you taken? If you haven’t taken any AP history classes, I would take one of those if possible. It’s great to get that history sequence out of the way. </p>

<p>Did you take AP English (either one)? if so, how did you do? That is another class I recommend. However, if you don’t have room in your schedule, find out if your school will let you take the AP English Comp exam without taking the class. Younger son did that and got the score to get out of both Frosh Comp req’ts…that’s a big deal!!</p>

<p>Big10AJ - my D had basically the same situation - she preferred to avoid both of the AP Calc AB teachers at her school, but the AP Stats teacher is fabulous, so she only registered for AP Stats for senior year. She chose to take Calculus at the community college this summer. Both her counselor and her pre-calc teacher thought it was very important for her to take calculus in high school, although I never heard the reasons for that.</p>

<p>Well I think a summer class is out of the question- its $1500 at the state college. The cc’s have started their first term already and the second term ends after AA, so no go there. He can prep himself and retake the assessment-FREE.</p>

<p>Welcome big10aj! I’m glad you enjoyed you campus visit.
As a rising HS senior, nothing would be preventing you from taking calculus at a CC next summer. I’m of the opinion that the [traditional] first two years of college courses, the core requirements, are something to finish as soon as possible so you can enter the upper division of the CBA. While UA has small class sizes for calculus classes when compared to other universities, it will likely be better for you to take calculus in high school or a community college.</p>

<p>UA is very generous with granting transfer credit for courses taken at other universities, including dual enrollment. Course equivalence tables can be searched at: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; .</p>

<p>I don’t know the graduation requirements for your school, but if you need another social studies/history credit and haven’t taken a history AP, do that. You can learn micro and macroeconomics quite quickly, maybe even over this summer, by reading an introductory economics textbook and taking the CLEP exams (note that not all universities grant credit for CLEP exams).</p>

<p>Best of luck your senior year and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses, I most likely will take both ap stats and ap calc. Mom2collegekids, yes I took ap English language and composition this year but will get the test results back in July. I have read that some colleges only give a certain amount of college credit for the English ap tests even if a student does well on both eng ap tests. Is UA like this? I have chosen to not take English lit ap next year because of all the other ap classes I am in. However, it is still possible for me to take the test at my school even though I am not in the class. Unfortunately I have not taken any ap history classes but I am scheduled to take both ap psych and ap macro this year which both count as history classes at my school.</p>