Math placement?

<p>S will be a freshman-he is just a regular student taking Pre- cal now… he is placed in 112-Major is general business for now- he isn’t sure what he will major in…what is 112? should he take the placement test-is it required?</p>

<p>The math placement test is only required if he wants a higher placement (as in he wants to take Calculus 1). You can google UA Math 112 and will see that it is a pre calculus algebra course</p>

<p>thanks- just asked a friend and she heard it was hard and mostly done online… wonder how many math classes are required for Business major?</p>

<p>A business major has to take MATH 121 (which is essentially calculus for business and social studies majors). A business major who wants to go into more quantitative fields should probably take MATH 125 and the rest of the Calculus series.</p>

<p>Policy on Mathematics Courses
The analysis of many business problems calls for mathematical reasoning. Students should take the highest-level mathematics sequence for which they are eligible. The MATH 112 Precalculus Algebra and MATH 121 Calculus & Applications sequence provides the minimum skills for pursuing an undergraduate business degree, but this is not a substitute for MATH 125 Calculus I. Any sequence that includes MATH 125 Calculus I is preferable to the MATH 112 Precalculus Algebra and MATH 121 Calculus & Applications sequence. </p>

<p>Those students who are interested in graduate study or in working in technical positions should choose a course of study that will lead to at least partial completion of the standard calculus sequence: MATH 125 Calculus I, MATH 126 Calculus II and MATH 227 Calculus III.</p>

<p>Below are specific rules that govern mathematics requirements for Commerce and Business Administration students:</p>

<p>0.Once a student has earned credit for MATH 112 Precalculus Algebra and/or MATH 121 Calculus & Applications or MATH 125 Calculus I, the student may not earn credit, including CLEP, for lower-numbered mathematics courses.</p>

<p>0.The College will not grant degree credit for any mathematics course numbered lower than MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra at The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>0.The College will not grant degree credit for any mathematics course offered for transfer credit from a junior college which is titled, or has the substance of, “business mathematics” or “mathematics for finance.”</p>

<p>This link has a list of general requirements for all Business majors
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>For any business major considering which Math to take this link shows requirements for different majors and specializations</p>

<p>Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration < The University of Alabama
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>ok thanks- so if he takes 112 he still needs to take 121 and will not get credit for 112? want to make sure that i understand this…</p>

<p>If he takes 112 it will show up on his transcript and will count towards GPA, but will not satisfy any of the specific requirements towards his business major.</p>

<p>Here try looking at this link…looks like MATH 121 or MATH 125 are required…</p>

<p>[Culverhouse</a> College of Commerce and Business Administration < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Culverhouse”></p>

<p>If he takes Math 112 he’ll get credit for it and it will “count,” presumably as elective credit, but he’ll still need to take either Math 121 or Math 125. If he’s going to take Math 125 and doesn’t place right into that, he might want to take Math 115 (PreCalc Algebra and Trig) instead of Math 112. My D is a business major and has chosen to take the calculus series (125, 126, 227). You pretty much need to decide up front which calculus you’re going to take, because you can’t get credit for both 121 and 125, and 121 will not satisfy the prerequisite for the rest of the calculus series.</p>