Math problem Blue Book; pg. 718, question 8

<p>I need help with Blue book problem 8, page 718.</p>

<p>can you post the problem?</p>

<p>d dollars for 8 ounces and each ounce makes c cups of brewed coffee. in terms of c and d, what is the dollar cost of the ground coffee beans required to make 1 cup of brewed coffee?
My solution is: d <-> 8 ounces and 1 ounce <-> c cups<br>
x ounces <-> 1 cup => x=1/c ounces
if d is 8 ounces, how many y is 1/c ounces?
d - 8
y - 1/c => d/8c;</p>

<p>I agree.</p>

<p>d = 8 ounces of coffee
c = 1 ounce of coffee</p>

<p>therefore d dollars buys 8c cups of coffee.</p>

<p>d = 8c (cup[s] of coffee)
d/8c = 1 (cup of coffee)</p>