<p>Do you think I should take a math class senior year? </p>
<p>I'm planning on applying for journalism EDI and I'm already taking 3-4 APs next year. My counselor was pretty rude when I told her I wasn't planning on taking a math class and advised me to "take a math class since it is NYU". </p>
<p>Math isn't my strongest subject however and I don't want to risk getting a B or C senior year because that could ruin my GPA. Thanks!</p>
<p>It sort of depends, but for the most part your counselor is right. It would certainly be a positive if you did take a math senior year, and those positives never hurt. What level math have you actually completed? If you’ve already gone through calculus, I wouldn’t sweat it too much, although an additional stats class or something would look good. If you haven’t, you should continue. Calculus is pretty easy to understand compared to some other math courses, so even if you aren’t math oriented, you should be able to do well. You just don’t want to come off as lazy or unwilling to accept a challenge. NYU wants a student who can do well in all subjects, not just one.</p>
<p>I’m currently in algebra II. Math has been a subject I’ve been struggling since middle school so that is why I am hesitant to take another math class next year when I should be concentrating on other aspects, such as volunteering, extracurriculars, ect.</p>
<p>My school requires for you to complete Algebra II in order to graduate, but you can take classes beyond that. My counselor reccomends that I take Finite Math, and I can choose between Math Analysis, Calculus, Stats, ect. Calc was reccomended for those who want to take math/science majors in college my counselor said. </p>
<p>I agree, I certainly don’t want to come off as lazy or not being able to accept a challenge… that is the last thing I want to appear as! It’s just that knowing me, I will not be able to do well in another math class next year. This year I am only taking 2 APs and I am barely passing in Algebra II right now, I currently have a C. Imagine 4 APs next year and Finite. </p>
<p>I’m a little torn on the issue.
Ugh, I just want to escape from all this stress!!</p>
<p>Hello! My daughter is applying to NYU, and we are from Washington. As of this year, the University of Washington is requiring that students take math OR a math based science class during their senior year. In past years it was recommended, but is now required. I would think that most universities would have similar requirements and/or recommendations. </p>
<p>At our public high school many students who don’t want to take calculus take AP Statistics instead. </p>
<p>I would suggest that you speak with your high school college counselor for the most up to date information. Otherwise, does NYU have a list of required courses?</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>You should take a statistics class, preferably AP Statistics if you’re willing to put in the work. Many people who do not perform so well in traditional mathematics do well in statistics. In fact, technically speaking, statistics at the fundamental level is not math (just as physics isn’t math), but it’s always lumped in with math anyway.</p>