Hi everyone,
I’m a current junior looking to apply to some math/STEM camps for the summer. I know most apps don’t open until late 2015 or early 2016, but I’m in the process of narrowing down which camps to apply to.
Could anybody with experience attending/applying to programs like PROMYS, SUMaC, Ross, HCSSiM, WTP, Canada/USA Mathcamp, etc. offer some advice/testimonials? 
I’d love to apply to all the camps mentioned above if I could, but realistically, I’d like to put forth maximum effort on essays/qualifying tests
In addition, I don’t want to apply to a camp that I have no chance of getting into (i.e. camps who expect you to be a USAMO qualifier)
My general stats (female, AMC 12: 100-120, AIME: 4-6, fervently passionate mathlete xD)
Thank you in advance!!
I went to PROMYS for the past two summers and it was honestly the best experience I’ve had. As a first year, you are submerged in an intense environment doing problem sets until 2 AM on a regular basis. With your background, you definitely could handle it and you will also learn so much (not just number theory). The training you get is different from competition math and anyone who loves math should be exposed to it. First years also do labs, although mostly things that have been discovered, whereas second years do research oriented projects (PROMYS had quite a few Siemens semis and finalists in the past couple years). Ross is very similar as PROMYS was founded by Ross alum but Ross is at Ohio State where as PROMYS is at BU. And within all the math you do, you still get to meet some of the best and smartest people in your life and form friendships that last. Weekends are filled with both math and fun. I’ve gone exploring in Boston and just playing cards with friends.
You should definitely apply if you genuinely enjoy math.
@piisgood Thank you for your advice!! I definitely plan on applying to PROMYS!
In terms of the application math problems, do you have any advice on how to prepare for them? I’ve read that I should try to attempt them all. Though, historically, for me, math proofs aren’t my strong suit 
@piisgood PROMYS applications were just released today
do you know if applications are accepted on a rolling basis? Or should I try and submit as soon as possible?
Hey, Angie! Fellow PROMYS 2016 app. 
So, from what I know, the apps /are/ rolling. There’s rumor that kids who submit earlier are more likely to be admitted, but I don’t know if that’s true or not.
Either way, there’s nothing to lose from submitting early!
Edit: The one other thing I’d consider is the teacher rec. You’ll want to give your teacher as much time as possible to get their end done; a rushed rec letter is never as good as a well-written rec. :S
Hi sorry for the late reply,
I’d say it’s quality over quantity. My year there were early and normal admissions and I had applied early, but I wouldn’t plan on doing all the problems in one sitting like a week before and it never hurts to submit earlier than the deadline. You should show all work even for problems you don’t solve completely, and never be afraid to experiment - that’s all part of the promys culture. And the problems this year look pretty interesting. Few people go in knowing rigor and proof writing, that’s what the summer is for, but you want to show a strong analytical mindset. If you find more than one solution, show both of them, and discuss which one is better and why. Proofs should be as rigorous as possible so don’t be afraid to use lots of paper.
I couldn’t find any other appropriate thread for math camps. Does anyone know what to do? I am in a predicament. The AO start reading the apps march 1st on a rolling basis. I am not sure whether to send what I have in asap, or continue working since I still have a few problems I haven’t completely solved.