Math Studies SL vs. Mathematics SL

<p>I am currently a junior and taking pre-calculus honors. I have the choice to switch into math studies where there is the easier IB test and will in turn earn more points towards my diploma, however, is it looked down upon by UC's as an easier class compared to math SL? Or will it not since they are both IB classes? Additionally, I want to major in pre-med so will that be math-heavy? </p>

<p>Frankly even mathematics SL counts for very little, very few kids in my kids school do HL math but more do SL mathematics and then BC calc and more. I think SL would be the minimum you should do, choosing easy math for a higher overall score is probably misguided for someone aimed at pre med. </p>

<p>If you’re planning on taking the required pre-med courses in colleges then definitely take standard level maths (non-studies). You shouldn’t struggle too much, most of it is pre-calculus with the exception of differentiation/integration which is roughly equivalent to AP Calculus AB. Maths studies is a joke and should only be taken if you’re planning on majoring in something that isn’t maths related. As you’re planning on meeting the premed requirement this doesn’t apply to you. Stick it out and stick with precalculus/standard level maths. </p>

<p>You’ll need to do calculus in colleges as it’s one of the pre-med requirements so you’re better off getting exposed to calculus in HS than in college. </p>

<p>Just to give you some encouragement, last year I was in Honors Pre-Calc and also had the choice between the two different SL math classes for senior year. I opted to take Calc (Mathematics SL) and I’m so glad I did. It’s really not that difficult in comparison to Honors Pre-Calc, and a lot of my friends who switched to Studies are saying that it’s a complete joke and they haven’t learned a thing. And if you’re aiming for pre-med, you should definitely opt for a higher math class.</p>

<p>Definitely don’t take Math Studies for pre-med. That class will be mind numbing if you are currently in pre-calc. You will be more than fine in Math SL and if your school let’s you take the AP Calc AB test too then you can get college credit. And as far as getting more points on the IB test, if the two or so points you would gain by tak</p>

<p>Ing studies, then there are other issues to be resolved lol. I took pre-calc then did SL not studies and it’s still too easy but HL is too much for me. Anyway, yeah. Take not studies. Good luck!! </p>