
<p>I am taking Calc II this fall in my sophmore year, i know i am very behind, but what should i do? should i take Calc III in the spring and linear algebra in the summer? please guys i am very behind, what should i do to catch up? do most colleges have Calc III in the winter?</p>

<p>RULE #1: NEVER EVER take any hard math (any of the Calc, linear algebra) during the winter or summer. You only have 1 month to finish the entire math course, and that will pretty much kill you off while trying to get an A (which will be much much harder).</p>

<p>? i took my calc I class in the summer, and it was hard, but i worked my ass off. personally i found it to be math for retards.</p>

<p>I took Calc III in the summer...grueling, but not so bad. I'd prefer it then over the fall when I'll be taking 5 other classes.</p>

<p>And Calc II in the fall of sophomore year isn't "behind." Just complete Calc III on time and don't worry a/b LinAlg. Why do you need it?</p>

<p>so I'm a retard?</p>

<p>I think that's what he</p>

<p>What math are you going into dhl3, or are ya done?</p>

<p>to be honest i am ashamed i am in such a low level math class :( biggest regret was not taking it in highschool with all the other AP's. i took 6 ap's in HS but senior yr when i had the option of taking calc, like a f'n artard i took AP government and politics. so in other words when i took the math placement after a senior year with no math, i flunked it like a moron. i had to take college alegbra with calc application.</p>

<p>dhl bro i love u man, i dont think your retarted. your to fine looking ;). good looking people shouldnt feel down, we worship you guys. brand182 iam majoring in econ, i need to take linear alegbra, i think?</p>

<p>abethebutcher, I passed by AP calc exam when I was a senior, but i still took calc I in the college. Guess what? I got a B in it! but I dont regret it at all cuz by taking that Calc I, it prevented me from getting a B (or even a C) in my Calc II. Calc I refreshed my memory and was a major factor in getting an A in Calc II.</p>

<p>brandon, lemme get your personal advice:</p>

<p>This semester, I'm taking Business Calculus, which is not even a real math course (you know what i mean), but im just taking it so I can at least breathe while doing all these other stuff. </p>

<p>But in the Spring, I'll be taking the REAL math class. question is, my math requirement is basically done (Calc I/II) and being a Business/Econ major and all, Statistics will be used a lot in my future courses.</p>

<p>Would you recommend me taking Statistics or just complete all of my Calc courses and get it over with?</p>

<p>I dunno why you'd need Linear least, for Econ at UT you definitely don't need to take it. The highest math class that most colleges want for majors that aren't math/science related is typically Calc II. I have a friend that was accepted into Rice this year with only Calc I and he's doing Economics. So I wouldn't think you need it. When I was telling ppl what math I'd done, they all thought I was a math major (probably minor though). So most people that end up taking Diff Eq/Lin Alg by the end of their soph year, if at all, are math/science majors.</p>

<p>dhl3 - I'd do Statistics just because it matters more if you're majoring in Econ. You'll be using that kinda stuff a lot more than Calculus, which is usually why if you really wanna get some good math in as an Econ major, you complete Calc I/II and Stats. If you have time, take Calc III. The only reason I've taken so many is because</p>

<p>1) The only upper level courses at my CC are math courses, so that's the only way to set myself above the rest of the pack</p>

<p>2) I enjoy math and will minor in it.</p>

<p>If anything, you could always take Calc III at UC/USC right? I'd think they'd wanna see a Statistics grade instead of a Calc III grade b/c it's more relevant to your major.</p>

<p>"abethebutcher, I passed by AP calc exam when I was a senior, but i still took calc I in the college. Guess what? I got a B in it! but I dont regret it at all cuz by taking that Calc I, it prevented me from getting a B (or even a C) in my Calc II. Calc I refreshed my memory and was a major factor in getting an A in Calc II."
im sorry i dont follow your logic. you took it as a refresher? did you take it because you were compelled to take it or because you honestly feel like dropping your GPA? it makes no sence, why you would take it for a refresher. you could have just taken calc II and worked your butt off.</p>

<p>nah I think he did the right thing even if he did get a B. Without a good grasp of Calc I, a student will usually get their ass kicked my Calc II b/c it's the hardest of the Calculus courses.</p>

i took it because I'm a retard.</p>

<p>but really, I seriously dunno how i managed to pass my AP exam (I barely passed it with a 3). I didnt' pay any attention in the class (I got B-) and I was half asleep too, so i couldn't understand half the thing in the calculus.</p>

<p>So going straight to calc II would mean restudying half the calc I material WHILE working my butt off just to catch up with the calc II. I couldn't risk it. I might have even gotten a C by doing it.</p>

<p>Besides, although i got a B in Calc I, i got an A in the harder math, so I just hope UCLA adcom will look it as a "academic progression".</p>

<p>but also, I'm a retard.</p>

<p> took cahones to say that. no one here loves you more than i do, now , your papa bear ya got that. not only are you my ponay boy, u deliver important packages to my house. stay solid now</p>

<p>oh and just as an advice:</p>

<p>MASTER the integration.</p>

<p>By mastering:
- immediately knowing which integration rule to use
- doing it accurately
- knowing what the integration indicates</p>

<p>Integration should be the BASIC of the BASICS in the calculus, and if you don't master that, you'll have a very difficult time with Calc II.
I remember studying 5 hours a day for two weeks just on mastering the integration. And it turned out, those two weeks really paid off FOR THE REST OF MY CALC II SESSIONS.</p>

<p>Most schools don't require Business majors to take Calc II. You usually have to take Stats, Calc I and Business Calc.</p>

<p>All the UCs require Calc II (Calc III for some schools) for Business/Econ majors.</p>

<p>thx pony boy, but i got my integrations covered. to be frank, calc was exrtremly easy. not that i am gloaten or anything, i got a 98% in the class, which attests my claim that its very rudemintry. its algebra in disguise.</p>

I guess you are gifted with a natural talent with numbers.</p>

<p>But careful, if you are expecting Calc II to be only slighly harder than Calc I, better think over :)</p>