<p>well i'd say every class has an ass in it. :D</p>
<p>lol so do both ass and prof teach dually? whats the pointof having an ass.? is it that the clases are to large?</p>
<p>I use my ass to poop. But I guess some people have other uses...And yes it's usually cause classes are big.</p>
<p>so do they teach at the same time i dont get it?</p>
<p>I have a quick question about math courses, and I figure its easier to just ask in this thread than to start a new one.. </p>
<p>Anyways, I took calc for business and econ last year and it was by far the easiest course I have taken in college so far. Looking back, I wish I had started in normal Calculus I as I would like to go on take Calc II. Do any of you know if Calc for business is enough preperation for Calc II or will I be completely lost having not taken the normal Calc I course?</p>
<p>Oh yea, and also, what are the main differences between Calc I and Calc for business. Is Calc for business significantly watered down?</p>
<p>Take Calc I, then move on to Calc II.</p>
<p>rjr calc buisness is very different. regardless you cant take calc II because calc 4 buisness isnt a prereq for it. but yea take calc I then II</p>
<p>The reason I ask about this is that I talked to the math advisor at my school and he said that although calc for business is not a prereq for calc 2. he would still let me take the class and that even though I would not be as prepared as students who had taken calc I, I would still be abe able to succeed in the course. But do you all still think that I should take calc I first? Would I have a LOT of catching up to do??</p>
<p>I doubt many people have taken Bus Calc as well as Calc I so I'm not sure how many ppl can give you a good answer. I'd say speak with a Calc II teacher and find out what kind of material you'll be learning as well as what he/she expects you to already know. If you don't think you can catch up with it, then you will probably want to take Calc I.</p>
<p>Calc I materials:
1) Limit
2) Derivatives:
-Trig functions - sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot
-Chain Rule
-logarithmic/natural log functions
-exponential function
-Fundamental Therem of Calculus
-u-substitution Rule
-Integration by Parts
-Trig Integrals/Substituion
-Partial Fraction
-Finding volume (Washer & Disks, Cylindrical Shell)</p>
<p>If you are comfortable with above materials, then you may skip Calc I and go directly to Calc II. you'll have no prob.</p>
<p>I REALLY hated those volume problems</p>
<p>personally i would suggest taking calc I. because Calc it self isnt like college alg or precalc, where its stuff you already know. Calc it self is a new math on its own. Most of calc II is based on the things you learned in calc I. if you take calc II your gonna have a very tought time, and i doubt youd get an A. buisness calc is, on a good level, very different from Calc I because it deals with application to buisnesses. i strongly suggest Calc I</p>
<p>why don't you tell us what your bus calc class covered and we'll tell you if it's somewhat comparable to regular calc</p>
<p>Thanks for everyone's input. After reading dhl3's post on what I need to know for Calc II, it seems fairly evident that I'm going to have to take Calc I first. </p>
<p>In the Calc for business course, nearly everything that dhl3 listed was covered up until integration where all we covered were the very basics (no integration by parts, etc). It looks like I'll need a little firmer grounding in integration before I go onto Calc II.</p>
<p>dude...don't worry</p>
<p>you learn integration by parts in calc II, not calc I</p>
<p>and integration by parts is easy as hell, i'm sure you can learn it on your own</p>
<p>well I learned integration by parts in Calc I.
maybe our school was lil screwed up. =/</p>
<p>our school taught integration by parts in calc I too
but it wasn't really thorough, we only learned the basics of it</p>
<p>then came calc II and we learned it extensively this time around</p>
<p>which is harder:
Statistics I or Business Calc for someone who already has taken two courses of Calculus?</p>
<p>neither are hard for someone who's taken 2 courses of Calc.</p>
<p>Probably Statistics would be "harder" b/c it's newer material, but Business Calc will be a lot of the same stuff without as much emphasis on math.</p>