Math2/US History.... HELP!!!!!

<p>I am signed up to take both US and Math 2 in June but I haven't had much time to study until now. I have been getting exactly 610 on US and 630 on Math 2 for the past 2 tests I have taken... What can I do to raise both of these scores at least above 700?? I have the following for each test:</p>

<p>USH- Amsco, Crash course
Math 2- kaplan, sparknotes, PR</p>

<p>BTW, I'm applying to BU and NYU which are the only ones that require SAT II's so whats an acceptable SAT II score for both of these schools?</p>


<p>bump… please help… I know for USH I just have to finish reading AMSCO but I have done the trig and function chapters of PR and I am almost done with sparknotes but I am still only around 630…</p>

<p>the easiest way to improve your Math 2 score is to buy a ti89 :)</p>

<p>apyyy - is ^^^^ that a serious comment? If so, may I ask why? (I am a mom and haven’t though of math for 30 years so go gentle on me) :p</p>

<p>well the first time i took the SAT Math 2 I got a 640. The second time I got a 710. I used a Barrons book to prepare, as that usually prepares students well for the real SAT. I don’t know about USH because I did not take that.</p>

<p>Several questions on the exam can be solved by simply typing the expression into the calculator (usually the trig simplifications ones). It can also do some other very helpful stuff such as solve equations and display things easier (pretty print).</p>

<p>For math 2, do as many sets of sample tests as possible, but make sure you understand how you get the answers. Do not just guess.</p>

<p>i do have a ti-89 =/ …</p>