I’m currently in Mathematics major in a community college and intend to transfer next year to UCI. However, I find myself interested in Medical fields. I also found a Mathematics Major with a Specialization in Mathematical Biology in UCI. Is that major for pre-medical students? or what is that major for? Cuz I am not able to find more information about that major on math department in UCI’s website.
Thank you.
http://catalogue.uci.edu/schoolofphysicalsciences/departmentofmathematics/#majorstext lists the mathematical biology concentration.
It does not automatically cover all of the usual pre-med courses, though it does cover some (general chemistry, introductory biology, introductory physics, calculus). Looks like you would need to add organic chemistry, biochemistry, and statistics (preferably after transfer, because medical schools want to see at least some of the pre-med science courses taken at a four year school, though upper division math courses count here as well) and social studies courses like psychology and sociology.