<p>i'm taking it saturday. Is it a good measure of what the real test will be like? I got a 670 on it; what might the real score be?</p>

<p>Barron's is generally considered much harder.</p>

<p>i know it's harder for other subj. but it's true for math ii too, yes?</p>

<p>Barrons math is much harder, even more so in math that in other tests.</p>

<p>I'm confused with Barron's.
My test scores have been in this order...
550, 630, 610, 600, 720.
Do the tests get increasingly easier or am I just improving?...</p>

Did you take the diagnostic? I got a 690 on the diagnostic but then got a 550 on the 1st practice test.. O.o</p>

<p>Barron's is significantly more difficult than the actual test. I was scoring high 600's using the Barron's prep book, but scored 800 on the actual test.</p>

<p>I got a 740 on the real exam before studying Barron's. Took the diagnostic test, scored a 660. I think my highest Barron's score was a 760, but that was after extensive practice. </p>

<p>Anyway, suffice to say, I got an 800 on the real thing and thought it was kind of a joke compared to Barron's. So, uh, yeah, don't feel discouraged if your Barron's results suck.</p>

<p>Don't worry I averaged around 700 on Barrons but on the real deal I got an 800 and thought it was a really easy.</p>

<p>thanks you guys, this really helps. one other thing, on the real test, do i have to memorize trig addition equations?
ie: cos x+b = cosxcosb + sinxsinb</p>

<p>Hi. well I took a Barrons 2007 Diagonostic Test today and scored a 690. I'm kinda aiming for an 800, and I got a little worried when I saw this score. Are these tests accurate for those who have used this book and taken the practice tests?</p>

<p>Barron's is much harder. Anything above a 650 on barron's means you're poised to get a 750-800 on the real thing.</p>

<p>Alright that sounds nice. After going over the Diagnostic Test though it really didn't seem that hard. I wonder how much more different the real thing must be.</p>

<p>The diagnostic is a fair bit easier than the rest of the practice tests in the book, so be wary.</p>

<p>YEah, the diagnostic is SUPER easy compared to the tests.
I got a 690 on the diagnostic too…
By the way, what level do you guys think I am at right now?
BArron’s: 550, 610, 630, 600, 720.
Official SAT book: 760</p>

<p>I still have a few more tests to go…</p>

<p>shiomi, I’d say you’d probably get about a 740-780 on the real thing from your scores.</p>

<p>^Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Barrons has nothing to do with the real exam. The content is different, and unnecessarily difficult. Don’t waste your money.</p>

<p>em190, it covers the same content…just more of it and with much harder questions.</p>

<p>Oh don’t tell me. I spent a week working on “geometry” as it calls, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and there were no single question even related.</p>

<p>^ You can create a program in your graphing calculator that stores all your formulas.</p>