Any good mattress topper recommendations? I need one that is extra firm for an extra long twin bed and I’m not willing to spend more than $50 or so (if it’s slightly more for better quality, then that’s okay). I am also very eco-conscious so if it’s PURGreen certified, that’s a big plus.
I got a mattress topper at Bed Bath and Beyond, I think in that price range. (There was a chance my DS would throw it away rather than pack it, so I wasn’t going to pay too much.) if you have a store, go squeeze them. They had 20% off everything for college students program, with the discount running through October.
My daughter has a basic mattress topper from Bed Bat and Beyond, somewhat foam egg crate type that was extra long. About 20 bucks. She has used it under a mattress pad. She’s starting her fourth year with it. I am sure it will go in the trash in May, but it has been good enough to make her dorm bed more comfy for three years so far.