<p>Whats the maximum number of units anyone from experience has taken in a single semester or quarter, and what would they have to say about the experience?</p>
<p>I found the the number of units you are taking doesn't mean anything. Taking 30 units of easy GE classes with easy professors will be less work than taking 18 units of science classes w/ labs with demanding professors. Professors and course content are a much better indicator of work necessary than "units" are.</p>
<p>I completely agree with Thomas_. I just took 20 units of general ed [no tough science classes like physics/chem/bio] and I can honestly say that this semester was a piece of cake. It all depends on the classes you are taking. My friend is a biology major, and to transfer he is taking the 3 year route, just because its tough to take all the harder classes at once</p>
<p>i've taken 34 units before</p>
<p>general physics (with lab)- 5 units
general chemistry (with lab)- 5 units
speech communication- 5 units
calculus- 5 units
c programming- 6 units
humanities- 4 units
abnormal psychology- 4 units</p>
<p>I've taken 18 units of sciences classes with labs. Like what the other posters say, it is much, much more demanding and time consuming than G.E courses. </p>
<p>Turkeey: What?!! That's insane..Did you end up doing well that qrtr/semester?</p>
<p>umm.. not as well as i hoped :P
haha, that was independent of taking so many units though, i just slacked off a lot cuz i was lazy hehe
i was hoping for a 3.8 but i ended up with a 3.55ish</p>
<p>oh ya, and i think the main reason i didn't die was because i planned my schedule so that i have really helpful professors. to me, that definitely makes the biggest difference.</p>