<p>The common app only permits you to select and apply to 20 colleges in total. Does anyone here have any experience with creating a completely new common app and using that new app to apply to additional colleges? The Common App allows for "alternative" versions of the SAME Common App -- I am talking about creating a completely new Common App with a completely new user id, but with all the same candidate information. I want to apply to more than 20 colleges.</p>
<p>Why don’t you see which one of your colleges offer both their own online or paper applications as well as the common app. I did that with mine, and applied on their own college websites that left me with more colleges to choose for the common app.</p>
<p>Thanks, Oka. The additional colleges I am interested in have their own so-called “online” applications. However, these on-line applications all just link back to the Common App, so unfortunately no help there. Given the broad spectrum of users on CC, I am sure someone out there has maxed out their Common App options and must have either lived with the situation, printed out the Common App and mailed it in, or created a new id. I would just print out and mail, but for the fact that some colleges want things on Monday, Jan 3, and so would not receive the app in time. The colleges say “due by,” not “mailed by,” so I am pretty certain I have to find a way to get these in electronically by Monday.</p>
<p>why +20 apps?</p>
<p>RE: “why +20 app”?</p>
<p>I am interested in +20 colleges.</p>
<p>I’ll be redundant as well, alright.</p>
<p>Why not focus on completing the 20 that application deadlines due by 1/3 and do those, then mail the rest?</p>
<p>I have already “maxed out,” meaning that I have already sent 20 apps out. Since all have been sent, I can no longer choose to send only those due by January 3 and those due later. Thus, those that are due by January 3, but which I cannot add to my electronic list, I cannot mail. I never imagined I would need more than 20.</p>
<p>And I thought 19 colleges was a lot…</p>
<p>Does making another version help? I haven’t even gotten close to maxing out my common app lol I don’t know what to tell you.</p>
<p>Because chances are, you don’t.</p>
<p>Of course it all depends on persons capabilities etc but I think 5 or 6 is a perfect number: 2 high reach, 1 reach, 1 fit, 1 safety. Add one college you are completely in love with no matter what category it fits in. I mean think about that - amoung 20 colleges there can be for sure groups of 2 or 3 that an be formed. Just pick the best one and apply to 5-6 But hey, great job on doing around 20 supplements
Good luck.
P.S Yes you can create another account common app FAQ says so.</p>