May 2011 SAT CHEM

<p>zach12, that’s what I got.</p>

<p>I put false for the first. What was the second statement?</p>

<p>Does anyone remember the answer choices for the best oxidizing agent question?</p>

<p>i think i put false/true for that</p>

<p>I think it was something about the vapor pressure not changing when salt is added</p>

<p>@Abrayo first part said saltwater and distilled water have same boiling pts, second part said their vapor pressures are the same</p>

<p>what were the other options for best oxidizing agents?</p>

<p>^^ I remember one was HCl</p>

<p>any other ones?</p>

<p>I remember F2 and Na</p>

<p>I think another choice was Na… and I may have chosen that for some weird reason. **** I’m doing worse than I thought.</p>

<p>Okay then I got FF for that as well.</p>

<p>Na was the best reducing agent. I’m sorry peregrinum :frowning: If it makes you feel any better, I make mistakes like that all the time. This is the first time I’m actually doing fairly well on an exam like this</p>

<p>last 20 questions were really easy from what i remembered</p>

<p>Well, the curve to get 700+ is quite generous so there is still a glimmer of hope :D</p>

<p>but it wasnt asking what the best reducing agent was… it asked for best oxidizing agent which is f2</p>

<p>I feel like the answer to most of the “what is the coefficient of x in the balanced equation” questions was 1. Did anyone get that?</p>

<p>Yeah. I got 1 a couple of times. But I remember one of the times, I think it was for the combustion of NH3, you had to use the odd-even trick.</p>

<p>@lizzy, I think she was explaining why my answer was wrong. </p>

<p>And sockpuppetmaster, yea</p>

<p>Anyone remember any of the last few questions?</p>