May-2012- Biology (E/M)

<p>740 :frowning: i felt it was hard though… but how harsh is the curve really?</p>

<p>750…considering I’m not very good at bio I am happy with that</p>

<p>To the person considering a 760 retake: colleges won’t treat a 760 all that different from an 800. You’re in the 750-800 score range so there’s the chance that if you had a different test you could have gotten an 800</p>

<p>i got a 740 :frowning: should i retake?</p>


<p>760 … I’m happy :slight_smile: bio M btw</p>

<p>780 woot not retaking</p>

<p>Bio M 770, not too happy if the curve was really that big</p>

<p>780 Bio E! I’m so relieved, no more subject tests for me! Congrats to everyone on their great scores!</p>

<p>Not so satisfied with my score…760 bio E, but considering i started to study it not until there were two months left, it’s not bad. But should I retake it? Do colleges really take a 760 as same as a 800?</p>

<p>Rosaline, I got the same score as you (on bio M), and I was considering retake, but look at what dude9521 said. I think once you get into the 750-800 range, it’s all based on luck. Like my score shot up over 200 points on the actual SAT I from my practice tests, but I feel like that was just luck.</p>

<p>760 on Bio E and haven’t taken Bio since freshman year. Done with subject tests…ACT here I come.</p>

<p>I got a 740 on Bio E…was Bio M much easier? Should I retake? I’m not in the 750-800 range, but I’d have to take it in October then, along with retaking U.S. (oh my god) and Math I. I’m not sure…haha, and I don’t want to major in science or anything, so I don’t know…any ideas? Thanks!!</p>

<p>If you’re not majoring in anything science-related, then a 740 is fine. Focus on your strengths and do well on the subject tests that most pertain to your major.</p>

<p>can you switch M and E on the same testing day?</p>

<p>proMEATheus, you fill in the bubble at the top of your scantron when you take it. You can even switch between E and M in the middle of the test (what I did, not the best idea…).</p>