<p>I'm so mad right now. My S has been on pins and needles waiting for tomorrow morning, ughh.</p>
<p>Did the tornados have something to do with it?</p>
<p>Things happen. 48 hours won’t kill him (or you for that matter).</p>
<p>Thanks for the support</p>
<p>He needs to learn a lot more patience for next year if he’s this antsy about his SAT results</p>
<p>I feel your pain
Just went online to see if maybe they are available and saw the date of 28. Well, we have to wait…</p>
<p>were the sat subject test scores also postponed?</p>
<p>Yes - my son took a subject test and it says May 28 for his score too.</p>
<p>Take a look at theneuroticparent.com blog. They suggest that the American Idol Finale delayed the scores. Hilarious!</p>
<p>8 ( I wanted to know the results so bad!!! Saturday needs to get here.</p>
<p>I’m impatient and not too proud to admit it. GRRRR!</p>
<p>My D went online to check her subject test scores this morning and saw that too. I thought maybe all the severe weather might be a factor. Lots of rage from the kids over on the SAT forum!</p>
<p>Worst “having to wait when I expected results on a certain date” experience for me–both of my babies came 10 days after their due dates. On the second baby, I was expecting it…but on the first kid, the wait was excruciating!</p>
<p>I’m sorry you are in a holding pattern. I can appreciate the anxiety. I was certainly a parent that shared this…no probably was more anxious than my kid. Waiting is hard. Waiting and then being told to wait longer is just miserable. Yes, I understand it’s a life lesson, yada-yada-yada. I get that…it doesn’t make it any easier and I can certainly tell the OP I understand the frustration!!</p>
<p>College Board should let people know the cause of delay. This almost never happens. Something must have gone wrong in the process. And they realized it just few hours before the expected release date? Strange…</p>
<p>If you sign up for the free report, do colleges get the result at the same time as you do? I am concerened about October test. If they delay in October, it will be cutting close to early application deadlines.</p>
<p>I wonder WHAT went wrong? And how accurate the scores will be due to what went wrong.
Has this happened before?</p>
<p>Scores went up this evening. My D has been caught up in CC-itis. Wonderful subject test scores for a sophomore, but she is worrying if they are high enough.</p>
<p>ellemenope, I got you beat - my first child was 3 weeks past her due date!</p>
<p>Even though collegeboard is still saying scores come out tomorrow, the kid can logon and see their scores online now.</p>
<p>3 weeks after the due date?! :eek:</p>