maybe the app process itself IS worth something...

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I have posted before about DS and his relative shyness. Thanks for all the supportive responses back then...</p>

<p>I thought some of you might enjoy this update. Son has continued to improve on shyness and coming out of his shell. He recently served as a volunteer/tour guide at an open house at his current school. He was nervous in the morning but when he came home I asked how it went. He said "Good, I think doing those boarding school interviews really helped me feel more comfortable".</p>

<p>Isn't that kinda cool?</p>

<p>That’s great and very cool! I’ve found with one of my own kids that when they made that effort to come out of their shell a little and had success in doing so, it provided such powerful reinforcement. My always confident, yet reserved child has become quite the social butterfly.</p>