Mays Business Holistic Review Chances

So, I posted a question about automatic admissions earlier and I’m really stressed about admissions to the Mays Business school. Could you please just give me an idea if I’ll be accepted to Texas A&M based off previous applicants. If you don’t have anything helpful to say, please don’t say it.

Asian and White
Texas Resident
I’m Fourteen (if that’s a special factor?)

1st Choice Major: Business
2nd Choice Major: Philosophy

4.0 GPA Unweighted
I am taking the SAT on the 28th of August, on my last three practice test I got scores ranging from 1490 to 1550. I am probably going to get 40-50 points lower than that (maybe even more) as I get very stressed on big tests.

For my coursework I am just going to list my dual enrollment classes as most people don’t people homeschool classes.

Honors US History (for anyone familiar with the Lone Star honors program honors community college classes have a research component)
College Algebra
General Psychology
Comp & Rhetoric I
Honors Intro to Ethics

Senior Year Courseload (all dual enrollment):

Business Principles
Math for Business & Social Sciences
Honors Federal Government
Intro to Formal Logic
Comp & Rhetoric II
Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
United States History Since 1877
Art History: Prehistory to Gothic

Founder of a book club (four years)
Competitive Swimming (four years)
Competitive Soccer (two years)
Member of a accounting club (one year)
Member of a philosophy club (one year)
120 Hours of volunteering

I have a really good letter of recommendation as well as a really good essay, if that makes any difference.


I know @AggieMomhelp has given some great advice already.
How many total DC hours will you have?
You’ve got some unique things to set you apart-age (not sure if that will perceived good or bad?) and extra-curriculars.
It’s been said recommendation letters don’t carry too much weight.
Unfortunately you won’t be considered Top Ten%/auto admit, because you’re home schooled. Have you taken ACT? If you can make a great score on either, that definitely won’t hurt!
All boils down to how many Auto Admit/Top Ten% students apply early for Mays. If you get admitted for 2nd choice/Philosophy, just know that transferring into Mays isn’t possible after 60 hours. So if you have a lot of DC (which applies automatically) + take 12 hours in your fall semester, if your hours exceed 60, Mays is out of the question.

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By the time I enter Texas A&M I will have 45 DC Hours; I also might have more if I take classes during the summer next year.
I’m not sure if age is a good or bad thing – I also know that I will also graduate early because of my DC credits (at 18). I do know a fifteen (almost sixteen) year old who is a sophomore majoring in engineering at Texas A&M, I know he had a 1380 SAT (800 math) and a 3.9 GPA from Lone Star as well (4.0 in math/science courses), but I know engineering is reviewed holistically so… I’m not really sure about business.

I scored a 27 on the ACT when I was 12, so I’m hoping for a high score on the SAT.

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@Texas231343 i would highly suggest NOT taking any additional DC hours. Those entering with ‘associates degrees’ are having a very hard time-they don’t have any classes to register for at New Student Conference (upperclassmen have already filled the seats), too many prevents you from changing majors.
I have a current Mays student, and they specifically mentioned in our NSC that they are NOT impressed with those applying with mega hours. AP is one thing, because they’re applied as needed, and have a standardized exam. DC automatically apply, and community colleges vary greatly. A lot of hours ‘might’ be beneficial for some majors, but definitely not Mays.
I really have no idea how age might be perceived? Could fo either way, I guess.
Keep us posted!

Thanks! The reason I took DC classes is because I thought it might give the colleges an academic measure outside of SAT scores. Like I said, I’m at Lone Star so I’m not sure what Texas A&M thinks of them, and I am in the honors program where I presented research at an honors day conference, not sure if that will make a difference though.

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Great idea about showing that you can handle college level courses, but taking so many may hinder you in getting the degree you want at TAMU. I’m not saying it’s not possible. I just wouldn’t take any more than 45.

What’s your end goal (post graduation)?

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Are you talking about my end goal after my undergraduate degree. If so, my plan is to go to law school, the reason I want to major in business is because I am hoping to go into corporate law.

Gotcha. My son is a senior at TAMU MGMT Pre Law. Loves it. Just know that you only take 4 classes total for the law component. Philosophy is the best major for Law school. You could do that and minor in business to get an overview of all aspects of business.

Lot’s of ways to get to law school and you’ll learn all about corporate law while there vs. undergrad. Just giving you a different perspective.

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Okay, that makes sense! I put philosophy as my second major choice (I was planning to minor in philosophy), I just wanted to do the business pre-law program as that seemed more interesting to me. Outside of business, philosophy is my second choice as I find it really interesting (I recently did a 30 page research paper on Schopenhauer and population controls).

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