Mays or McCombs?

<p>Chance me for Mays and/or McCombs</p>

<p>Rising Senior
Male, Hispanic(Mexican-American),(First Generation College Student)
School type: Public
<strong><em>TEXAS RESIDENT</em></strong></p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 unweighted, 4.34/5 weighted
Rank: 3/108</p>

<p>SAT I: 1910 (First time)
CR (680) M (640) W (590)
****I am still waiting on my second SAT results, however I think I only improved in writing.
AP: I have taken all the ones that my school offers which aren't many, but I have taken community college classes while in high school. In fact I have about 43 hours.</p>

Debate Club (President) - 3 years
Class President - 3 years
NASA BP Physics Challenge - 1
Founded a Poetry Society at my high school- 2 years
NHS - 3 years</p>

<p>Community Service:
200+ in tutoring and being a teacher's assistant</p>

An electronics store for 3 years. (18 hours a week)</p>

-Various school awards
-Practically every debate award awarded by Houston Urban Debate League including City Champion, Best Speaker, and various others.
-3rd place at BP Physics Challenge
-AP Scholar
-I am on the Dean's List at my community college</p>

<p>McCombs may be different but don’t wait to apply to Mays. If you apply early enough and you are in the top 10% of your class you will be automatically admitted to Mays until the program fills up. Once its full its full. Take advantage of your rank and don’t wait around for the scores. BTW if you want higher scores on file for honors consideration or scholarship consideration you can still turn them in when you get them. Just don’t hold up your application at TAMU for SAT scores!</p>

<p>yes - you are automatic for Mays a A&M. Put your app in August 1st and you are in. I agree with everything spectrum2 has said about getting that app in early and not holding up for SAT scores.
You are automatic for ut as well, but not sure about McCombs.
Be sure to visit both campus - during the semester, not on a semester break - visit both college of Business. Make a decision about where you feel more at home. Of course thoes of us here think there is no place like Aggieland.</p>

<p>ooops. *I meant graduating senior. Thanks for the info guys!</p>

<p>I would say to apply to both early. It would be hard to turn down McCombs though if you are accepted (which I think you have as good a chance as anyone).</p>

<p>Just wanted to update this for any younger students making this decision later on. I was admitted into McCombs (No BHP) and into Mays Honors. I ended up choosing McCombs because of the scholarships they offered me, which surprised me considering I always heard that UT is bad with scholarships.</p>