i am interested in MIT Biomedical Enterprise Program and wondering if there are any other program like this in the US.
let me know</p>
<p>Cornell used to have an MBA program designed specifically for people who already had completed graduate degrees in the biological sciences and who were interested in moving into management of laboratories and biotech. I don’t know if it still exists.</p>
<p>Professional masters degrees in biotech do exist. UW Madison has one. It lasts four semesters and each semester you focus on current methodology, patent law, business or (i forgot what the fourth one was). The culmination of the business semester is the preparation of a business plan and as incentive, the best business plan each year gets funded by a vc group. This program is intended for people actively working in the biotech field and have classes only a couple of days a week.</p>
<p>im looking for programs that does require neither previous full-time work experience nor graduate degrees in xyz. BEP seems to welcome seniors to apply…</p>