<p>First of all, I'll say that I'm a senior in high school and have a while left before I have to worry about getting an MBA. Out of curiosity, though, I was wondering what preparation is required for getting into a top Graduate school (I am hoping for Wharton, Columbia, Harvard, NYU, UT).</p>
<p>I will be attending Princeton University this fall. I plan to get a degree in one of the following subjects: economics, public policy, operations research and financial engineering, or physics. I plan to get a certificate (or minor) in one of the following: finance, economics, public policy.</p>
<p>I will study for the GMATs, but, what does it take to get a score above 750? Is it as common as getting >1580 on the SAT? I would understand if there is a lack of similarity, but if so, what steps could I take to prepare (or, is the test easy enough to study for)?</p>
<p>Currently, I am reading up on Financial Markets and Institutions. This is for fun, but does anyone have any advice after I finish this up? I'm a beginner, so this textbook is an introductory selection.</p>
<p>1) Preparation required for getting into a top B school</p>
<p>No coursework is specifically required as far as I know. Certainly none that you won't be taking anyway. </p>
<p>The preparation that I'd suggest is:
-At least reasonable success in college, whatever your field of study.
- At least reasonably good GMAT scores.
-Track record of successful employment. "Best employee ever" in fast track job at major prestigious company:good. Fired at Burger King: less good.
- Good story for why you want to get an MBA, at this time.
- Personal profile of who you are (outside activities, jobs, etc) that "fits the mold", at least to an extent. Organized a golf tournament for your fraternity: good. Appeared in costume to see Star Wars eleven times: not as good.</p>
<p>2) What does it take to get a high GMAT score?
Pretty much the same thing it takes to get high SAT I scores</p>
<p>3) After reading up on Financial Markets and Institutions, what next?
- I'd suggest take Econ I & II freshman year, to give you some background & framework of where to go next course-wise.
- For the summer, work on non-academic aspects of your "package". Learn to play Golf and squash, or get better at them. Get very physically fit, if you aren't. </p>
<p>For light reading, try "Liar's Poker". To follow up on your Financial Markets reading, you might try Investments, by Sharpe. OR Financial Market Rates & Flows, by Van Horne. But my feeling is you'll get enough of this later, through your educational program. I'd focus on these other things, if I were you.</p>
<p>I just graduated from high school. Up to this point, Ive taken 20 hours of college classes; this includes Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Calculus II (and two other courses). My college major will be economics. Im also planning to possibly major in chemical engineering. I want to go to Medical and Business School. Im working at a hospital (for nearly a year).<br>
Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do this summer? Im already active in sports (Im devising my own intramural basketball team at the moment). Im trying to self-study accounting and finance. Im reading a book about a career in engineering, and what it takes to be an engineer. Should I try to get a second job with a financial-type company? I want to read a book dealing with case studies in business; do you have any suggestions?</p>